Chop28 Member


  • Hello Everyone... As you can tell from my picture with my husband I had a quick weave, but under that quick weave my hair was natural and I was afraid of going fully natural. I am proud to say that I have went fully natural in April of 2012 and haven't looked back since. I love me natural hair and it is so thick. I usually…
  • I eat oatmeal with 1 tsp of cinnamona and sugar. Plus, 2 slices of bacon that is not high in fat or if no meat just 1 boil egg with it.
  • I am also on the 30 Day Shred and have done it before in the past, but this time I am starting at level 2. Level 1 is not even a challenge for me so I am not going to waste my team doing it. I do Level 2 around 10:30am or 11:00am than when I get off from work do 10 minutes of full body workout. I am going to do level 2 for…
  • One of my co-workers did piloxing and she lost a lot of weight, but you can list piloxing under aerobics because it is a form of cardio. I hope this helps.
    in Piloxing? Comment by Chop28 July 2012
  • I weigh my self in the morning after I use the restroom.