izenzo Member


  • Got my swim in today. Only 30 min of laps as my arms were still feeling yesterday's training. Rest day tomorrow, then training again Thursday.
  • B) hi everyone Well, not to be outdone by his older brother, my youngest is now onboard too. Nothing like a little brotherly rivalry. This is gonna be a fun summer, crazy, but fun. Today was my trainer workout. She killed my upper body today. It felt good, but boy it was a killer 30 minutes. I followed this with taking my…
  • Happy Father's Day to any fathers following this thread. Yesterday it was my swim day. My hubby went to the gym with me. I was able to get an extra 10 minutes to my laps. That got me up to 40 min of laps. That's almost back to where I was prior to knee replacement. My adult son who is also trying to lose weight has dropped…
  • Happy Friday. I've been keeping busy this summer, so I haven't caught up on reading our blog. So here's my update. My veggie garden is starting to have some baby veggies starting to grow. Three weeks into my Sumner break and I'm down 6. Averaging 2 pounds a week. B) In another week, hubby and I have a road trip vacay. This…
  • Sort of taking a day off from working out. But sure doesn't feel like it since I'm doing housecleaning. LOL With 3 big pups, I can knit another dog with the amount of hair the vacuum picks up!!
  • I got my first outdoor swim in today. I much prefer this to indoor pool. I'm one who needs some sun. The Y has a pay for the day. My own gym has an indoor pool, which is okay, but it's dimly lit. So much nicer to be outside.
  • Saltine- I give my dogs baby carrots a couple of times a week to help them. It's a healthy treat and it helps with keeping the glands from getting blocked.
  • Happy Tuesday Got in a workout with trainer yesterday. Did my 30 min swim today. So I am off to a good start this week. My trainer has me texting my food diary weekly, so it's helping me stay accountable. Today, I got a free burger from Red Robin (teacher special). They will do it on lettuce as a wedgie burger . Did you…
  • Haven't posted in a few days. I have been doing 'summer cleaning' and getting my veggie garden up and running. Plus putting up small fence to keep my big dogs out of it. In between, I've started my swims again. Hit the pool 3 times this week to do laps. I love having swim headphones as I swim longer without realizing it…
  • Twiley- I'm in the Northeast, close to Gatlinburg. I'm a transplant here. So I really do not have a southern comfort foods. But I am loving living in Tennessee.
  • Twiley- fellow Tennessean here.
  • Only a few hours left until my summer break begins. I already have workshops scheduled starting next week. Teachers never stop learning :smiley: Starting off my summer break right....have my trainer scheduled for an hour after I get off of work today. Added benefit, my hubby is meeting me there to also workout <3
  • Went out to lunch and made great choices. Seared ahi over salad greens. What a treat on a school day!! 12 pm tomorrow cannot come soon enough! I begin with the one on one training right after I finish tomorrow. I am SO ready for this!!
  • Good morning all B) . Thank you for the welcome. Today is our last day and a half day for students....Yay!! Summer break is finally here! But that also means eating lunch out with colleagues (a luxury for a teacher during the school week). A lot of unhealthy choices around us, but I am determined to make good choices for…
  • Hi all: Tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of my new knee. I am rededicating my efforts to myself. I just signed up with a new trainer that is going to hold me accountable to myself. (I think I like her already!) Did my 3D scan, set up my calendar for workouts and nutrition....so here is to day one!!! Backstory: I…
  • Had a little real life setback that set back my start date. Took my measurements today and am starting Insanity tomorrow....my husband (who actually needs to gain weight) is starting it with me. We are going to do this together. :)
  • I can't run due to a bum knee, but I have not let it stop me. I did my first 5k in January and am signed up for my 4th and 5th now. I walk them. Many are run/walk deals. So if you can't run it all, walk. The goal..finish without injury. I am going for 13 in '13 :) Good luck...I think you will become addicted like me.
  • Thanks...yes it was awful went from one to another so it was like 4 weeks in our house. And guys are such HUGE babies when they are sick. I have a speaking engagement tonight. The whole "Go Red' thing took off. I am being asked to be on a committee of a local city to help incorporate healthy lifestyle changes. Something I…
    in Been MIA Comment by izenzo March 2013
  • Planning on beginning Insanity on March 18th so I have time to finish working out the modifications I need for my knee and shoulder. And so I don't interfere with my 5k on March 16th. Time to become .... insane :D!!
  • 1- 1 2- 45 3 kanji for tiger 4- no regrets. It was my gift to myself when I reached the 100 lb lost mark :glasses:
    in Tattoos! Comment by izenzo January 2013
  • Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't ! The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
  • Great info...I'm right on track with what I am putting in my Nutri-Bullet :smile: Got those fat killers in there!
  • I have added joining a group this time to get through this final third of my journey. I like the motivation that being part of a group offers.
    in Drop outs Comment by izenzo January 2013
  • Welcome....you have joined the right group :)
  • Also, make sure you are not weighing yourself the day after your intense workout. Your weight fluctuates due to inflammation as part of the recovery process. If you are weighing in on an off day, and then again on the day after a workout it could cause the fluctuations in measurement you are seeing. Just another…
  • I have one and love it. You can get it for about $80 without the big recipe book. It is sold at Bed Bath and Beyond for $99, and we always get the $20 off coupons in the mail for those. I highly recommend doing the product registration online as is extends it out an additional 3 months. I play around with the…
  • My trainer explained it to me. It is very true. When I did back to back weekends of 5k's the last two weeks...I almost had a heart attack when I looked at the scale following.
  • I did my first 5k on January 6th (Biggest Loser Run/Walk) and my second one on January 13th. I am not able to run due to a bad knee that has already had 3 surgeries on (and will eventually need replacement), so I walk it. I am averaging an 18 min mile and bettered my time in the second one by 9 seconds. I am looking for a…
  • I'm hoping to be. I think I need the community to help with the next leg of my journey. First thing is make YOURSELF a priority. We have kids, husbands, jobs...we make sure we are there for everyone, at our own detriment. Make the same commitment to yourself. Put yourself on your priority list. I make sure to make time for…
  • For apples: Core and bake it with a little cinnamon. Gives you that 'apple pie' effect :smile: For cauliflower: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/george-stella/mock-garlic-mashed-potatoes-recipe/index.html