Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara/Lana - thank you..I am doing my best to not eat my feelings. Started to drink more water, today. Hope to start better food choices, tomorrow (planning to go to store on lunch)... then, back to waking, soon...

    Sara - I chopped my hair, too! It is nice with warmer weather... but, a bit difficult to pull when I get flustered...hehe

    Lana - hope you get to enjoy pool a bit more before heading back to NY...

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome to Twiley, Eryn and NotAsThick! You are in good company here - quite a supportive community.

    Hello friends - been feeling rather “kitten” myself. I’ll blame the horrible rainy weather in the nation’s capital. We had a lovely warm, sunny day today but rain is so back tomorrow. I fear I am starting to mildew....

    Can totally relate to being tired of frozen vegetables. The farm stand opens this weekend, and for the first time, we have signed up for an 8-week CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share and I can’t wait to have fresh fruits and veggies!

    Sleep well, everyone - may your dreams be sweet,

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning, it is early,but dog was talking so here we are.

    Tess- I get monthly boxes, is there a way you can chose what fruit/veg you get? Totally worth it. Do you have to volunteer time as well? Think activity points/calories.

    Wind here is making allergies even harder to bear. Mother Nature's having a blast this year!

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking when I can.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning everyone~

    I'm showered, dressed, and have one eye open, waiting for Roof Bid Man #2 to come at 9AM.

    Tess I am so with you on the Too Much Rain. The east coast has been getting soaked. Watch us have a drought this summer. :s

    Waving to Sara and Dawn and Kathryn and Missy and Tracy and Saltine and anyone else who stops by later on.

    Fresh veggies and fresh food does rock.


    235.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Waving to all!

    Lurking from work.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all - hope there’s a bit of sunshine (actual or metaphorical) where you are.

    Sara, this particular CSA allows us to choose our own fruits and veggies, within guidelines. All of the others in our area don’t give you that choice (take what they give you in the box). I’m excited!

    Waves to all from work,

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Two things, I took dog out very early this morning and I thought I heard a neighbor snoring.... it must be a sleep machine or that person is still snoring!!!!

    Tess- I just made the cheese zucchini enchiladas with grated zucchini I froze last month....if you get berries freeze them so they last longer.

    Lana - keep us posted on the roof saga -any eye candy? or is that too much to hope for?

    toddle off to work.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Did ok at store on lunch...I always splurge 1 "yummy" dessert...I bought a yogurt (vanilla) with snickers bits crunched up that you put in... quite disappointed... won't be purchasing that one, again. Thankfully, it was only 69 cents.

    Sara - I'm sure if someone walked by my window on any given night, they would hear lots of snoring... not all from humans... Boston's are notorious snorers...

    Lana- waves... any luck with roof bid #2?

    Tess- that sounds wonderful...we don't have anything like that in our town. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best...

    Hi Twiley!
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Waving to Arniedog!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good evening,

    Dawn, I didnt think about dog snoring - mine does as well!! Hey great nsv on not getting a 'yummy' today. Maybe something remotely healthy will find you tomorrow. Yogurt with added toppings in stores is worthless - I buy my own granola...... okay so I am snooty, but the stuff the yogurt people sell tastes like cardboard.

    My victory so far this week is drinking more water with dinner and a cup of tea after dinner so that I get water all day long. Coworker said it would make me get up in the night- happens anyway so I may as well get the health benefits I can.

    Wishing all a good night
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - I agree... store bought toppings are not worth it. I did get some fresh fruit... yay me! Extra water is definitely a good thing... extra trips is extra steps, right?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dawn- never thought about the extra steps related to more water :D . I usually think of more steps if my dog wants to walk further.....

    Cafe salad today. Looks like they may hire the temp we have, she may get started crocheting again. I gave her the heart pattern I have been using and you get a finished product quickly. Many people say they dont have the patience or discipline - then think smaller projects.

    Speaking to coworker about WW concepts that I no longer do..... hence weight higher??? Hmmmmm. Time to get back on the stick.

    QOTD - What are you doing today to keep healthy?

    AOTD - Drinking more water, stay out of the sun as much as possible (medication said not to as well) and find more steps.

    Wave to all who follow/lurk. Hope to find time to lurk myself.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Good Morning, all! And thanks for the warm welcome. :)

    My AOTD - Drinking more water, tracking my food, and staying under my calories (even though I am going out later). I am going to find a healthy option.

    I have to go try on a few bridesmaid dresses for my friend after work and not looking forward to it. Oh well!

  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning, all!

    AOTD-incorporate more veggies to try to get my calorie count up without going over my fat grams. It's a struggle to reach 1200 cals for me when I meal plan. When I don't, I can hit 1000 before I get out of bed in the morning! :D

    Waving to everyone! Have a successful day!

    Today: 213.6
    Highest: 375
    Goal: 118
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    AOTD - try to fit in more steps/exercise. keep adding fresh produce to diet and keep trying to eat clean.

    Lana - good luck with the roof estimates and all. like Sara said, let us know if there is any eye candy! :p

    Tess - try to stay dry!

    Dawn - keep drinking that water!

    Sara - I really have to make more of the recipes you shared. They always sound so good but usually am so tired when I get home from work that i don't want to do anything let alone cook anything.

    Weather says this is the hottest May on record. So glad I did not plan to go out to the track. I couldn't stand the heat and the crowds. A/C not turned on yet in my building, so its sweltering! I have been drinking what seems like oceans of ice water to keep cool & hydrated. I joke that all my water intake is part of my exercise plan because of so many trips/steps to the bathroom. They have nicknamed me Queen Pee at work!

    Still fighting the weight gain from all the comfort food/sodium served on the Jeep trip. Sunday scales said I was up 13 pounds from Friday. Today, scales say I am 5 pounds over my weight last Friday.

    Waving to all who stop by or lurk at work!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    amost forgot! saw this while at the lake! :D
  • izenzo
    izenzo Posts: 57 Member
    Hi all:
    Tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of my new knee. I am rededicating my efforts to myself. I just signed up with a new trainer that is going to hold me accountable to myself. (I think I like her already!) Did my 3D scan, set up my calendar for workouts and here is to day one!!!

    I previously got down to just about goal weight. I even did 8 5ks (walking) in 2013. Made a move across the US to take a new teaching job. About 6 months in new state and my knee finally gave out (had 4 previous surgeries on it). At that point, I was a gym and MFP rat. The doc, per insurance :s , put me on not 1 round but 2 rounds of steroids. Then had to wait another 9 months to do surgery which meant an entire school year teaching on crutches. So a year of no exercise, steroids, and a sedentary lifestyle undid most of what I had previously accomplished. Additionally, then I had months of physical therapy to be able to walk on the new knee.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Welcome izenzo!! Keep up the good work! Stop by and post when you can and let us know how your new plan is going.

    At work - 3 words - coworker shaking salads....... :s

    Kathryn - LOVE that sign. Hmmmm giving me ideas. I am making sweet potato shepherds pie for next week meals as my dr specialist has limited my diet for the all fun colonoscopy Friday

    Any ideas on reward I should give myself (not food) for getting through this??

    Must scoot - vultures flying overhead. bbl
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Hello to Izenzo and everyone else here today.



    Yikes - have not given it a thought. Thankfully, some old good habits kicked in, and so far today I've eaten only good healthy things, but I've done no planning.

    Here comes yet another thunderstorm. Good grief!

    Kathryn - I LOVE the Cabana Boy sign!

    Both of the men who came to bid on fixing the roof would definitely make good Cabana Boys for our little Beach Club. Sadly, they are not the actual roofers. *Kitten*


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    Happy Hump Day!

    Hope all is well! Damn-how are you doing?

    AOTD: walking with my friend and drinking more water.

    Welcome to all the new MFPers! Waves to everyone and Dawn, Sara, Lana!

    Keeping busy over here, just opening up the travel trailer this week for the season and looking forward to some camping trips. Glad we have it this year for a full season- bought it last year a towards the end and just in time for our cross country trip! My fiancé and I started going back to church this past weekend. Making it a point to go every week as long as work or travel doesn’t get in the way. I guess if we travel we can always look up a nearby church. Also, got great news at the vet yesterday for my bichon’s stone recheck visit-she does not have any stones anymore. The special diet worked and she will stay on it forever. I was prepping myself to hear she’ll need surgery but I was happy mistaken. :-)


    So happy for pup! What a cutie! Amazing that some food can help with stones and crystals... but, it can