Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Day off. Dog up earlier than normal (so was I). Found out my clock needed a new battery so better to find out today....

    Hair and nails. More color today so taking knitting. Will be interested to see what pedicure lady thinks of the toe nail that I jammed last week.

    Lunch is not planned so that may become oatmeal... ???

    Trying for some more sleep.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good morning all. I totally missed getting here yesterday. Jeez. Busy.

    More tree arrangements to make today, plus clear up the yard. Tree is scheduled to come down next Tuesday and Wednesday, the 10th and 11th!

    Food-wise, I need to figure out how to get out of cycle of two good days and then over-eating on the third day. Over and over again. It seems my gut knows and does not like having a calorie deficit, so on the third day it gets "needy" and hungrier than usual. Then it tells my brain to tell me to eat more. Curses. Yes, I will be trying to figure this out, change up foods, etc. Living alone doesn't help - no one to help me stay strong when I make Bready Choices. :'(

    Everyone have a good day!


    243.8 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Where is Annie and Tess and Saltine and Samuels? Kathryn?

    I get sad when people are here with us for a while and then don't stop by any more. Lives get busy, I know.

    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair for later.*

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Sara - Have a good day off. I hope that pedicure is comfortable. What polish color choice today?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana - tells us about your bready choices maybe we can suggest better ideas.....

    Shoes I like are rubbing what is a small bunion so they are banished. Will get bunion pads to protect toe. Ordered shoes online - hoping they are wider in the toe section than the pair that are banished. Really just need to find a good shoe store. I have a couple pair that work until new shoes arrive - 80's for rest of week.

    Will take dog on walk when it gets lighter, we didnt get our "full" walk. She is lucky I have the day off.... until she finds she has to share the recliner.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Good morning.

    Yesterday sure was...A Day. Had delayed onset stress sickness even though emotionally I felt better...otherwise, mentally, I was gone. I ate way more than I planned to...because I kept losing track of what day it was. I kept thinking "I haven't eaten much today. I should go grab something." - even after I'd already eaten a ton...because I kept thinking that everything I'd eaten earlier, I actually ate the day before. It was kind of a shock when I actually stopped to look at my log.

    But I made up for it by losing track of time at the gym just as badly. Decided to go take one of the classes I can get for free with my membership and the next thing I knew I'd spent nearly 3 hours there, with nearly no breaks in the action.

    Today I have a math test and I am exhausted so I'm a bit nervous about it. Wish me luck.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    edited October 2017

    I'm so tired today, and I still have 3.5 hours to go at work. Im so ready to be done with place ( today and forever) its so toxic. I never knew what a hostile work environment was until I worked her. I've never been the type of person that has any type of anxiety, I'm extremely go with the flow type of person. Hopefully I will be done with place in a few weeks.

    Im my 3rd week in to CX Worx class ( core workout with resistance bands) at the gym. I can really tell the difference in my body. I love it, I will definitely keep this in my workout regime.

    Mango - I hope your test went well

    Sara - That's a bummer about your shoes, nothing worse that uncomfortable shoes :s

    While I drop my kid of at the tutor, I will walk . I can usual get in about 2 miles. Im kinda bummed because soon it will be dark when I get her to the tutors. There are no street lights in her neighborhood.

    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member

    Sorry I've been kinda absent... been a bit down on myself... doing this new business is really making me even more insecure...I'm so close to my goal for a successful party, I'm just not pushy enough...I'm understanding when people have no money this week/ month... that's me, every single month... I'm not going to let it stress me... it's no different than what I expected...planning to visit Sis, soon... even though she's ordered, she wants to try new scent, maybe some friends of hers would like to try something fun...

    On a good note...I was surprised when I opened paycheck and saw I had got a raise! Woo hoo! I wasn't expecting it till next month... so, that was a nice surprise... it will help a bit... still don't get 40hrs... but, we are only open till noon on Saturdays... so, no one gets 40... but, I will take the raise and be happy with it...I must be doing something right...

    I better get back to work...
    Sara - hope pedi goes / went well...
    Lana - I have a terrible time with food choices... good luck with tree...
    Mango - good luck with test... way to go with workout...
    Waves to everyone else that stops by...
    Have a great day...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Dawn!! Raises are always wonderful and a sign you are doing well.

    Pedicure went well - took the pink/purple color. Was not told I needed to see a doctor with the toenail I jammed last week.

    Had 15 calories after all my tracking and should have treasured them. Stuck hand in granola bag and found red ## calories.

    Back to work - I hope I missed the lady trying to teach my cube neighbor for yet another day how to do this report on the computer - her voice gets on my nerves anyway, but she has decided to go "organic" and the aroma is telling.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- thank you so much! It definitely made for a better day!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wednesday night

    Hello! Sorry I have been MIA. Life is busy - attitude has not been great. Working on setting it all right.

    Lana - I have been like you. A couple of good days and then hungrier/sick feeling in tummy pushing me into eating bread and crackers. Grrr.

    Dawn - congrats on the raise!

    Eating has been so-so. I am getting a few miles walked a week now that we have the YMCA membership and I can walk on the nice, flat indoor track. Scale keeps bumping up and down in the same few lbs.

    Doctor appt tomorrow to seek answers about my low back/hip issue. I'm dreading the scale as I know I'll be up 6-7 lbs from when I was there in April. Have regained most of the weight I lost in 2014. :( But hoping we can get find some answers for my pain and find the right treatment (likely more PT).

    Time for a hot bath and bed. More soon!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie - good to see you!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Annie! Hope your apt today goes well. I had hip/back issues and on my own I bought expensive orthopedic inserts. Physical therapy is never a bad thing, hope doctor has some ideas. Good job with your walking.

    Hoping for a quiet day at work, but if nothing else - ear plugs!!

    Need to go rescue oatmeal. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - Sorry you had to banish some shoes.

    I don't know how to fix my occasional "Bready-Neediness". It's a carb/sugar craving. I have pared down the house to not have very much junk in it, but I still have some pretty decent bread around--Trader Joe's multi-grain or Bread Alone's multi-grain, kept in the freezer, so not out on the counter. But if I get into one of those moods, I'll make toast and put butter and jam on it with a big glass of milk. Or make a PB & J using liberal portions.

    1/3 of the time I can wrangle my brain for going for an apple and some cheddar cheese instead. But sometimes, what I'm really fighting is a desire for sugar cookies or cake or real baked goods. Thank goodness I don't have a car here. I can't do impulse shopping, which is good.

    Waving to Dawn - congrats on raise.

    Annie - so glad you stopped by. I do hope something good comes of doctors appointment. Sara had a very good idea about orthotics for your shoes. Feet are our foundation, and we don't think of how they can affect our hips and back!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member


    Dani - Sorry to hear about toxic work place. Dawn recently left a toxic work place, and she is better off for it, we think. I don't want to speak for her. Sending good vibes to help you through it all.

    Mango - How did your test go?



    243.0 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited October 2017
    *waves to all*

    have been a bit preoccupied with family stuff.

    emotional/stress eating has taken over. scale up 6.5 pounds. every day calories in the red, no matter how hard i try. i am more or less falling off the wagon until everything here settles down. then i will start again, as always.

    memorial service for grandmother & poppy was nice & quiet. there were a slot machine, poker cards, and lottery scratch-offs displayed with their ashes at the graveside. my grandparents loved going to the casino and playing nickel slots. (my father refers to the casinos as "senior daycare") grandmother taught all the grandkids & great grandkids their numbers by playing poker. many wonderful stories about them were shared. my aunts said grandmother's last words were "love you more than tongue can tell." they were such wonderful loving people. they will be dearly missed.

    hospice did another evaluation of my brother. said another week, maybe. my middle sister and her family went to visit. she said he didn't recognize any of them and those two have always been especially close. my eldest sister flies in tomorrow. she is somewhat of a drama queen and i am dreading taking her to see him, even more so than i dread having to put her up in our house for a couple of weeks.

    i know it is better for him not to suffer. we all thought we would have more time to adjust to the thought of him being gone. now it seems like time is just flying by. we have all arrangements made so when he passes, everything will already be taken care of. memorial services & funeral on the saturday following his passing. there is something peaceful knowing that is all done. he was so worried about that when he decided to quit treatment.

    my work has been very good in letting me take time off here and there as needed. my workload seems to be getting heavier however.

    i have handed the baby shower responsibility over to my friend's step-mother and sisters. hopefully they will come through for her and not drop the ball. lets just say they are not known for their reliability.

    Lana - try sprouted grain bread, its better on carbs, and pureed berries or peaches to spread on the toast. i also used to eat a bread called 35 calorie bread. cant recall the brand, but that was the name on the package. might help keep calories under control while still satiating cravings.
    has the tree been dealt with yet?

    Dawn - congrats on the raise! see - you are doing great! and you were so worried before you started!
    have fun visit with your sis.

    Sara - what color did you get for pedi? new color for hair or just touch up this time? how are the new shoes working out?

    Mango - hope you came through the test ok and are able to channel that stress and energy into something productive. i can truly understand about stress eating though.

    Annie - hope they are able to get you some relief for your back/hip

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Dani - Lana is right...I am much happier away from toxic work place...I was incredibly worried at first, I didn't think anyone would want me, or I'd be able to do more than cleaning or retail...I found a great job at a vet clinic, and have been there almost 3 months and just got my first raise...the Dr's are wonderful people, I'm learning a lot... yes, there are co workers that I could do without... but, that's going to be everywhere...I have so much less stress and no longer dread going to work every morning... good luck to you in leaving that toxic place... hope you don't have to be there much longer...

    Kathryn- wow are you going thru a lot right now... huge hugs and good thoughts to you... hope your brother can pass on peace and certain family members don't make it into a big thing...
    Thank you... I've been feeling a bit more confident at work... and, the raise makes me feel like they trust in me...

    Going to lunch with my friends today.. no clue where we're going... but, I'm excited to spend time with them... May do some shopping or possibly take in a movie... seems the decision is being put on me and, as I'm low on funds... got to determine which will cost less...
  • mugofire
    mugofire Posts: 110 Member
    I definitely need to be on this page as I am starting over again. I need help with motivation, especially now with fall being here (although you can't tell in San Francisco with it being 75 degrees). Glad to know I am not the only one!
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member

    Thanks for the encouraging words Arnie and Lana. Yes, I have had many jobs before and many different environments. But none quite like this. I took a Real Estate class a few month ago. My hubby runs a property management business and has always dabbed in Real Estate investment properties. So we set a $$$ goal, to be able to pay our bills for 3-4 months and have some after for "emergencies". And we are very close.

    Annie - I have been there with the low back pain. I have so many issues with my back. I hope you at the very least find a cause for your pain, then you can at least work on from there.

    Kathryn - I know I new to group. But I really am sorry that you are going through this right now.

    I only meal prepped enough lunches for 3 days, because I didn't have enough meat. Of course I forgot and know I have to go grab lunch. I think Im going to get hibachi chicken with double veggies . Hot lunch instead of a salad today.

    Arnie - Ooohh lunch with friends. Sounds fun!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Kathryn - Wow it's huge for you now. Hang in there and try a bit to not let go of everything food-wise during this really hard time. Also try to not kill your drama queen sister!
    *sending Cabana Boys with 2 canisters of Patience Spray and as many good vibes as they can carry*
