

  • I'm really big on eggs (usually scrambled but thats just my preference) and instant oatmeal for breakfast. Both are pretty inexpensive, easy to prepare, and easy to calculate portions. For lunch, I vary a lot, but I like to keep oscar mayer deli fresh meats (turkey and lean ham) on hand. They are only 50 or 60 calories per…
  • Are you arms flabby with fat or firm with muscle?
  • Sorry, but you're in denial if you think only eating 500 calories a day is going to help you in the long run. Besides the fact its really unhealthy, there is no way you can keep up with that kind of eating plan in the long run (without serious health consuquences anyways), which means your chances of gaining all the weight…
  • Count me in! I need an accoutablity partner for motivation to stick with it. I'm tired on jumping on the healthy diet and exercise bandwagon just to fall off in a week or two. Current weight: 5'2" 170 Goal weight: 140 Ultimate goal: 125 I've logged in 5 days in a row and met my goals, hoping to stay with it. Planning on…