

  • Here's what I hope: The girl who yelled that, and her friends, saw the reaction it had on you, even through the cackles and high fives. Maybe one of those girls in that car can't stop thinking about this. She lies in bed and can't stop thinking about how shocked you looked, and I bet she knows how it made you feel. And…
  • I actually love finishing my workout and getting ready for the day at the gym. I always have my stuff in my bag -- flip flops, round brush, hair and face stuff. My gym has individual showers, and supplies hair dryers and towels, so that makes it nice. Happy to wash fewer towels at home!
  • I can't speak for everyone but I'm so happy every time I see you log in! I don't need any type of "give back", just knowing that you're part of this community and that you're getting something out of being here! Keep up the great work!
  • 1. Log honestly and without judgement. It's good information when you go over your goal -- it will help you spot patterns and learn to eat what you like within goal. Make note of the foods that satisfy you without overloading your calories. (Added bonus is those foods will probably be healthier and less processed.) 2.…
  • Love this attitude! Yeah!
  • GREAT job! You look beautiful and you should feel so proud of yourself! You are a great inspiration!
  • Michael, I agree with everyone here who has said you've already taken the first step! You can make this happen, it sounds like you are a very cool person with so much to offer. I'm going to check out your radio show and will look forward to continuing to hear about your journey. You can do it!
  • It's official. Will never get any work done today. Must. Stare. At bunny pictures.
  • I'm just getting into lifting -- anyone feel free to add me!
  • I wanna be in the 40+ club, too! :smile: I just turned 48 (wow, how did THAT happen) and have been logging and working out for about 60 days now. I'm loving how I'm feeling. I've lost a few lbs, but mostly feeling better and stronger than I have in years. It's really motivating to see so many people focused on getting…
  • What a beautiful transformation! It gave me chills. Congratulations, you should be outrageously proud of yourself!
  • So funny, the same thing happened to me. I was about to start logging my jogging trips to the rest room, they took up so much of my day! I read somewhere that the body does adjust, and that seems to be true for me. I've gone from almost no water to 8 glasses a day (give or take) and am back on a more regular pee schedule!
  • Your situation sounds familiar! I'm also a mom of a teen boy, dealing with work, life, stress, etc. I don't know if I'm athletic, but I'm over 40 (just turned cough - 48 - cough). I'm new-ish here -- been at this for 40 days. But here's what motivated me to make a daily commitment. I had to change mindset. As a woman, a…
  • Totally agree with what most people said above about losing weight having to do more with calories than the quality of food. That said, I find that by eating more consciously -- making "clean" choices, taking the time to prepare a meal vs. grabbing something pre-prepared -- I feel more in control with food. I also feel…
  • Have you checked under settings? Scroll down and you should see "connect to my fitness pal". I did it all on my phone -- just turned it on this morning.
  • I'm not a runner and I haven't done a race so I'm probably not really qualified to answer, but that's never stopped me before! I say GO FOR IT. Do what you can do and start where you are. Walking a 5k is awesome, and an accomplishment, and a heck of a lot better than watching a 5k! GO, GO, GO!
  • Thank you for asking this question! So happy to see all the great responses and I'm so happy to have learned how to take sugar off my chart (and replaced it with fiber!). Thanks, OP!