

  • Hey all, I totally forgot to weigh myself this week, there was just so much going on. But I know I probably gained a little bit because I was grabbing the wrong stuff :sad: Oh well I will get back on the wagon again and see what this week brings me. Good to have you back Tanya!
  • well not alot going on in the group anymore. I was off line for awhile, being "depressed" lol I was one of the unlucky people that booked there trip with go travel direct/south and well they went bankrupt so we lost our trip :sad: Anyway there are alot worse things in life that could happen. Now we are just waiting to see…
  • we are going to the Dominican in 28 sleeps!!!! We have been there before and enjoy it. We have never been to Mexico but it seems to be the place to go this year, my daughter went there last year to the Mia and loved it. You will have a blast!!!
  • Hey Maggie, I too stayed the same but I am noticing a lot of changes in muscle. I have never really been one to lose actual pounds but tend to go down in size easier. I see we have alot of new faces to the group :bigsmile: I don't really know what happened to everyone else maybe they are all down south and laying on a nice…
  • OH Maggie, so sorry to hear about the break in!!! We had our car broken into once in our driveway and I know how insecure I felt with that I can't imagine how it must feel to know they were in your house. It sounds like they knew what they were looking for if that's all they took. We have an alarm system which is worth…
  • Hey Rdy2lose Sorry to hear about your mom. Smoking is a hard thing to give up but you can do it!!!!! Make sure you keep your hands busy and not with food lol. Replace the times that you usually had a smoke with something else. Just take one day at a time that's all you can do. Good luck and vent all you want to us we will…
  • Hey Ladies, it seems our group is shrinking again. Hopefully we will get some people joining us soon. I am down 2 lbs this week :bigsmile: I wasn't sure I was going to have a good week because I took a couple of days off from the work outs due to not feeling 100% but today I made myself get back on that treadmill and do…
  • Hey all, Way to go with the losses ladies, I also lost 2 this week:bigsmile: I am happy with that. But of course the weekend is coming and that is always my down fall. My husband and I are going away for a night and of course that means eating out and drinking but hopefully I will burn off the calories :blushing: :laugh:…
  • Maggie you better tell everyone to back away from you in case it blows:explode: Have a great day all and good luck tomorrow at the weigh in
  • Hey Ladies, it seems everyone is busy this week....I have to remember to take time for me. I tend to skip me when things get crazy and it showed this week. No loss:sad: But I didn't gain either so I am happy with that since I had a really good loss last week, Hope everyone else did well, don't sweat it Maggie sometimes…
  • Glad your feeling better Tanya, being sick sucks because you can't do what you want and I know for me I go to the "comfort" foods and then feel even worse. Maggie--- I agree with you totally Zumba is a workout and a half :bigsmile: I own a gym and do my cardio here and my weights but when I have to put the arms with the…
  • Hi all, sorry I am a day late but yesterday was just crazy for me. It was out of my normal and things just got screwed up. I had to leave work which I thought was only going to be for a couple of hours, and it ended up being the whole morning. I had to take my dad for an appointment they think he might have prostate cancer…
  • Ok I cheated:blushing: I weighed myself early and lost 3 lbs so the problem is tonight is my husbands birthday and we are going out for supper. I have NO SELF CONTROL when I am out eating. I can be good all day and when I am at home it's not to bad but put me in a restrauant and I am done! I really don't want to…
  • Thanks Maggie I will start looking Monday :happy: I too have the Wii fit I just got the Wii active and plan on setting that up this weekend. I don't have alot of time to do it but every little bit helps! I finally weighed myself:sad: I am pretty much starting over but I am not going to let that get to me! I am focused and…
  • you actually strap it to your chest! Do you wear it all day or just when you work out? Cool thanks for the info I will start looking for one Sheri
  • Hey Maggie, I did my first Zumba class last night I really liked it, but your right it would make a huge difference if you didn't have a fun instructor. How did you log your Zumba class on here what did you put it under. And your Heart Rate Monitor where did you get that. That is what you wear on your arm right and it…
  • Hey all, wow great to see all the new faces and hear all the great stories. Let's make this our year for our minds and our bodies! I just had a great relief that was bugging me for sometime and now it will be less stressful for me so I am going to use that as a bonus to really uplift my spirits and get things going my…
  • thanks for the welcome back ladies :happy: Tanya I think we all have our "things" that have made us get to where we are lol. I really don't have an excuse not to exercise in fact it's my business I own a womens gym. I just have always had weight issues and used to be alot bigger then I am now but have sort of let myself go…
  • I"M BACK!!!!!!!! (if you will have me:blushing: ) I have decided this is it. I hope to plan a trip for next year so I am giving myself lots of time to work it off. I have my 1/2 marathon in New Orleans a year from now and want to be able to run most of it. I walked the 1/2 marathon I did in Maui Sept/08 but really want to…
  • Hey girls, don't know if the group is still in tack. I couldn't see a new link but just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I will be setting my goals in january as I will be getting ready to train for the New Orleans Marathon 2011. And my husband and I plan on going south right after that…
  • Maggie good to hear that they found the problem. It must have been scary not knowing what was going on. Great job everyone. I am still staying away from the scales for now but watching what i eat and going to start working out again I was a bit lazy and had the H1N1 shot and it drug me out but I seem to be wanting to get…
  • Hey Ladies, remember me :laugh: Just thought I would drop in and say Hi. Glad to see you are all doing so well I am getting back on track I have hit the running progam again and that is where I am going to take my focus right now. I am too addicted to #'s and it becomes a problem when all I can think about are pounds. For…
  • Just wanted to drop in and say Hello.....Hello:happy: still sticking to the plan and found a couple of other groups on here but miss you guys. Just not ready to be what I feel everyone needs from me so I will keep this short and just say way to go all you all sound like your doing great things keep it up!
  • Hey Ladies me again:smile: Just wanted to drop you all a quick note to let you know I will be taking a break for awhile. It wasn't a easy decision but I am finding "life" hard right now and I don't think I can be an assest to such a wonderful group of ladies as yourselves. As you all know (because I have "*****ed" about it…
  • Down one lb this week, emotionally not a good couple of weeks for me. I seem to be tired and just trying to sort some "stuff" but hey not one to unload on you all hahaha I really hope your neice pulls through, that must be so hard for you to think about and then also try to do good on the scales. Focus on her and getting…
  • :blushing: thanks Margie that's really sweet to hear, I needed that today:happy: Back at ya!!!
  • Sorry to hear about your neice Tonya, hope she pulls through. Keep us in the loop and vent if you have to girl it will make you feel better. Sheri
  • Hey Ladies, welcome new ladies to the group :happy: I will keep this short today as I think i maybe coming down with the flu so I am not feeling well at all:sick: I stayed the same this week and when I have more ambition I will chart it :wink: Congrats to all you losers :laugh: Sheri
  • awesome picture!!!! When is the wedding?