

  • Thanks! I hadn't even thought of a Chiro :)
  • Helped A LOT! Thank you so much for sharing your "stuff" with me. Makes a lot of sense and makes me think about a lot of things. One day at a time, at this point. But I have to start waking myself up, you know? It's not that I lie to myself, but it's more like a fog I have been living in and I really need to clear it out.…
  • Thank you for such a wonderfully inspiring true account of what can really be accomplished. Very motivating on a day I don't feel motivated at all! :)
  • LMAO - I swear to God, I'm going to use that next time!
  • Hey there, I am new the site and the group. I am totally looking for people that need to lose as much as I do, too. Just makes it easier somehow, not to waste energy on wanting to poke the eyes out of people crying cuz they can't lose 10lbs! Although that's something I hope to moan about someday too! :) Look…
  • HA! Run on my friend! I look forward to the day I can do a minute of running at a time! Made myself go out for a 30 min walk today and was appalled at how winded I was at such a slow pace. But I know I'll get there!
    in I ran. Comment by krissyd100 August 2012
  • At this starting point, just how my body is far I can push it!
  • Thanks for the comments...I swear, I'm not a negative person! lol I know this is something I NEED, WANT, HAVE to do, it's just getting my head in the game is proving to be challenging. I absolutely believe in "fake it til ya make it" as a beginning strategy sometimes and for me that starts with logging all my food - boy…