I'm not expecting expert advice just general input. I hurt my shoulder doing some exercise and had some radiating pain down my neck, shoulder and upper arm. It started to tingle down from my shoulders into my fingers. So...here's the question, the pain has faded and the tingling is less often...wait it out or go to the…
Kind of new to this group, so I apologize that I am using as a vent before you even know me, but I kinda feel like I don't have a platform to get this off my chest without people thinking I'm insane! So, I started this journey (about a week ago) like a pouting teenager, dragging myself kicking and screaming into a…
So I have been drug kicking and screaming into this. Well, maybe that's a little dramatic, but not far from the truth! Believe me, it's not that I have any illusions that i NEED to do this, just more that I have been feeling rebellious about starting. So basically I am in a war...with myself. Part of me says, "one way or…