ttoftwo Member


  • Hi gals! I'm Mae and currently weight 230. My highest was 279 and my goal by the end of the year is 150. I've alway been obese and am frankly aick of it. I started (again) changing my lifestyle after my son was born in May, and I took off my baby weight plus 10 pounds, but have been stuck here for 3 months. I'd love to be…
  • You look great!! I feel like I'll never hit my goal weight of 160, I'm 230 now. You have motivated me! Thank you so much! I don't have much support at home, so that's hard for me. But I'm pushing through for my son. Thank you for inspiring me. :happy: How long did the journey take you?
  • Today is my day 3. Day 1 and 2 nearly killed me!! Today was a little better, but it still hurts. Keep it up!
  • I keep telling myself I'm worth something. I owe it to myself, and my 7 month old, to be strong and healthy. I don't have to be stuck in this fat, flabby, weak body. Change is hard, but I think looking back and wishing you hadn't quit would be harder. These 60 pounds will not be my chains any more.
  • I don't have an answer, but wanted to comment so that I can come back and see what others have said. I hit a plateau every 8-10 pounds. I'm currently stuck at 223-225. I was stuck at 233, 242, 252, etc... I mix it up, like you do. Hopefully someone can help us.
  • I will not eneter the new year in the 200's! SW:269 CW:225 GW by 12-31:199 Lose 26 pounds Final goal: 150
  • Loraine! That is such wondeful news!! I, too, know the pain of hearing that you may never feel a miracle grow inside you. Like you, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was a young teen, and when I was 19, my doctor told me it would be highly unlikely that I would be able to get pregnant without medical help. In February I…
  • Thank you all for your encouraging words. I'm going to try to focus on what I'm eating and lower the fat and carbs. I think it mat be time to clean off the recubant bike... It's been a clothes rack for a while now. Thanks again.
  • Can I get some of this action? I'm currently 234, and 20 pounds off me would be great by Christmas.
  • I told my mom, and my best friend. I am embarrassed by how much I weigh, and what I look like. I guess I don't want anyone to reaffirm that I'm fat. But it's not about them, it's about me, and my son and my health.