Very discouraged



  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    You are doing a great job. I do agree with those that have mentioned it could be that you are adding muscle or just going through a normal plateau. But, I also, agree it could be that you are not drinking enough water, especially if you are nursing, this is very important. I know if I don't drink enough water, it is definitely harder for me to lose. The other factor, though, that I have not seen mentioned yet, though, is you may not be getting enough sleep, which would only be natural with a new infant to take care of. Give it time, it will come off. Again you are doing great!
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    Love, the comment about this being America and it will still be available next year. Thanks for the extra incentive for trying to have willpower.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    First...congratulations on a great job! (The baby is adorable and the weight loss admirable.) I think a lot of people plateau at some point from what I've read here and googled. I've been plateaued for a couple of weeks now (sigh* discouraging but apparently normal) and am trying to break it by changing the exercise routine and schedule. So wish me luck!
    All I know with any certainty is that I am doing a good thing for my body, and having fun to boot!
  • ttoftwo
    ttoftwo Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for your encouraging words. I'm going to try to focus on what I'm eating and lower the fat and carbs. I think it mat be time to clean off the recubant bike... It's been a clothes rack for a while now.

    Thanks again.