jozaboza Member


  • Edinburgh here - have lost just over 1 stone so far, another 2 to go and I'll just try to maintain. Please feel free to add me - could do with some company!
  • I snack on raw babycorn when I'm at the office and feeling peckish.
  • I recently started running to classical music - try the William Tell Overture, or Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture (I have lots more if you want them!) - my mind wanders during the quieter parts, and the rousing bits bring me back for an occasional sprint. Before that I would listen to ACDC, but when I know each song lasts…
  • Edinburgh here - just starting out really - all motivation and support welcome and returned!
  • Me too! I log daily (although am still not great at the weekends) but I need to keep track of the good, the bad and the ugly! Would love to have some more friends on here to keep me on the straight and narrow!
  • Hi Lotte, I am about 2-3 months in to using MyFitnessPal properly too, and I do think it is making a difference :) I don't know how much advice I can give you and I certainly don't know all the answers, but I can tell you what I do know - If you crave greasy and unhealthy food when you feel bad, you could try to readdress…
  • I have just read your plea for encouraging friends and I am in the same boat. My friends around me are all great, but when I suggest going for a coffee rather than a pint, they always seem to win, and I am really struggling to stay on the straight an narrow. I have always been an emotional eater, but when I was at school I…