Hello there

Hi! My name's Lotte, I’m 20 years old and I'm from Belgium (unfortunately the land of great beer and chocolate ;) ) I've been using my fitness pal for about two months, but I keep giving up and starting again. The exercise went great until I started school again. The calorie consumption has always been a problem. I do great for a few days and then I just give up and start eating unhealthy again, only to have to start all over again. When I feel bad I just crave greasy, unhealthy food.
Currently I'm at the start again, eating less and healthier, just went jogging yesterday (ran 7 minutes straight for the first time :D) It felt great, but I'm scared of getting demotivated again.
How do you guys cope with the yoyo effect I seem to have been stuck in? I'd love to have some people to talk to, some tips,…

Lovely to meet you all :)


  • jozaboza
    jozaboza Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Lotte,
    I am about 2-3 months in to using MyFitnessPal properly too, and I do think it is making a difference :) I don't know how much advice I can give you and I certainly don't know all the answers, but I can tell you what I do know -
    If you crave greasy and unhealthy food when you feel bad, you could try to readdress the way you see punishment and reward - I used to feel rubbish so would have chocolate as a reward to make myself feel better. But then I read on a forum somewhere that when you feel bad and eat junk food, the only person you are punishing is yourself, if you really want to feel better do something else - walk, run, hoover the house and consider the the feeling you get then as your reward. (I hope that makes sense!?)
    Then only other thing I could add would be that rather than seeing this as a 'diet', see it as a change of lifestyle - by eating healthy, you aren't depriving yourself of anything, you are taking care of yourself. Make exercise a habit, rather than an effort - don't question going for a run, just go for a run and then get on with your day.

    I am quite new to this, so I hope that doesn't sound too 'preachy' or anything, I'm just sharing the stuff that rattles around my head and helps me!

    All the best!

    PS - I love Belgium, the beer! :):)
  • You do not sound preachy at all! What you're saying makes sense to me, never thought about it like that. I guess it truly is all in the mind, maybe that's my problem. I always looked at it as a punishment for being overweight, you used to eat a lot so know you can't eat whatever you want anymore.
    I will surely think about this and try the reward system you said, doing something productive instead of eating when I feel bad.

    Thank you very much for your input, it is greatly appreciated! :)

    PS- I also love the beer, a bit too much ;)