psanoja Member


  • Well, I thought I was the only one. I'm glad I read these posts. I have been working out and eating lower carb for four months now. My scale says I'm exactly where I was in January. My clothes say otherwise. It's great to feel the loose clothes over my body, but would like as well some validation from the scale :happy:…
  • She never said she was living with hunter gatherers, she said she's living with some farmers.
  • Hola a todos. Hay algun venezolano o suramericano en este grupo?
  • Sounds familiar. I also started playing last year. It would a year to this date. Congrats on your dedication. Practicing really pays off. When I started playing it was so hard to get partners to play doubles. nobody wanted me in their team. Now I can pick and choose--although what I like is singles. My advice, find a USTA…
  • [/quote] Yes, also, it's disgusting to have to wipe someone else's sweat. [/quote] That's what turns me off. The guy is young and the impression I get is that wiping out is beneath him. If he does it next time when I'm around I'm going to remind him of the gym's rules. If he does it again, I'll talk to the manager. I…
  • Thanks, someone already gave me the name of the exercise: leg extensions.
  • I think you all were a bit too harsh on her. She deactivated her account!
  • Great job, and your eyes look amazingly beautiful, by the way.
  • Escribir en el foro ayudara. Yo soy venezolano y vivo en USA desde hace 16 anios. Este es mi segundo anio en MFP y desde que comence he perdido cerca de 30 libras. No hago dieta, sino como todo en moderacion. Hace un anio comence a jugar tenis todas las semanas y no solamente he podido aumentar mi perdida de peso, sino…
    in Gracias Comment by psanoja April 2012
  • Si, por aqui se habla espanol.
  • hairy legs, piercing.
  • Well, first, from the picture you posted I can tell you you look great. Perhaps others are channelling their envy or their own prejudices? Don't listen to others, follow your plan and enjoy the feeling of having achieved what you set out to. Second, instead of eating junk to pack up a bit more weight, what about some…
  • [/quote] Fire the scale. I say this to anyone whose scale doesn't agree with the progress they are making. Mine doesn't agree with me, either. So I fired it. If you are seeing the results you need- more energy, better fitting clothes-then the numbers on the scale don't matter. Fire it. [/quote] Will do:laugh:
  • Thanks cms6300. Actually, I played him again and tried that strategy. We started exchanging several moonballs and soft topspin shots--until I got really bored and went for winners. Now I understand why people dislike Wozniacki so much. It's plainly boring. I won some and lost some. It wasn't as bad as the first time but he…
  • Well, the scale and weight issues are less important now, because I have results that prove that I'm on the right track. I had my follow up meeting with my doctor today, and his office's scale registered a weight loss of 7.5 pounds since last month, and............... my blood pressure was textbook perfect, and a…
  • Thank you. I will get a tape measure.
  • Ok, I'll take you to task. I'm a 3.0-3.5 tennis player. I center my game around my forehand and serve. I've beginning to have success, defeating players at my level, and being competitive with players above my level. Yet... I played a guy last week who I thought it would be an easy rival. I lost 6-0, 6-0 in front of all my…
  • Following MFP is the only way to lose and keep weight off. No starvation diet, i agree.
  • Well my leg muscles are more developed, but my underwear hangs about an inch from the thigh's skin. My neck is smaller--I can see that in the tee collars--as well as my shoulders. I still have a lot of fat in the front, and the one in the back is beginning to break apart, while my love handles are noticeable smaller. My…
  • Thank you, it's just that it's sooooo evident I would like it to show on the scale. But perhaps you're right.:bigsmile:
  • Hi, My name is Pedro, and I live a few miles from Philadelphia, in Drexel Hill. The weather here is not nice, but I play year round regardless of conditions--except for wet, snowy, or exceptionally windy days. I re-started playing 9 months ago. I became a member of two nice tennis communities close by. One is formed by…
  • I agree. Today I played two doubles games under a flurry of snow.
  • Well, the calorie count has helped me a great deal. You may want to reconsider that. A few years back I went to see this endocrinologist who specialized on getting rid of your body fat for you. He prescribed a low carb diet plus pills, and I lost close to 30 pounds in two months. I had to move and couldn't see him anymore,…
  • Hi to all, I've been using this site for a year now, with greats results when I've followed it through. Now, I'm back, seriously. My doctor has given me six months to lose 50 pounds. If I don't, then I need to get into an awful therapy--its nature is not important. I've never been given that kind of a challenge. I'm a 46…