

  • Oh, try handfuls of Jordan's Honey Baked Crunchy Oat Granola. I get raisin and almond. It's really tasty, (and sweet!) and only a few calories!! It's nice in yoghurt with a piece of fruit for brekkie, too!!!
  • I have read all af this and it seems rather interesting. I know you've tried raising the food level, but I'm interested to hear how many calories you consume per day. If you go under 1200, you'll be putting your body into 'starvation mode', which will prevent you from losing any further weight. If you have heard this…
  • I was told that sweetners in diet beverages are VERY BAD for you in large quantities. Aspartame is one of them, and if you consume it too much, it will turn off your "Full switch" which means you won't know if you're full or not during a meal, which leads to stuffing yourself!! Plus, don't think you're avioding this by…
  • It's your body, you can decide what you think. It's nobody else's right to judge you, even if she IS your sister. Also, anorexic IS a very strong word, as one of you said. Just do what you think. It's your decision!! :wink: