Anorexic at goal weight?



  • healthychanges1
    I'm 5' 7" and 234.8 right now.
    I had a doctor (a pediatric endocrinologist) tell me in High School that if I got down to 150 lbs, I'd be in the hospital on a feeding tube.
    And my little sister told me the other night that I'd look anorexic at 153 lbs.

    I'm 5'7 and 153 and I don't look nearly underweight.
  • healthychanges1
    Here's what 5'7 and 153 looks like on me, right now.

    Ahh same height/weight! Twins! Lol
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    It's all in how your body is shaped, too. At 5'5", I was at 116 pounds, but because I have a barrel shaped ribcage, I still didn't look thin. I kind of looked like the tin man, with a barrel shaped top and these skinny legs and arms coming out. At 125, which is my goal weight, I look proportional. I'll never look as good as say Jillian, because my rib cage is just too wide and round. There's really no magic number for what looks best on you based on your height. It also has a lot to do with how you're built.
  • EviieAlexandra
    I wouldn't worry too much about what other people think

    It's your body, you can decide what you think. It's nobody else's right to judge you, even if she IS your sister. Also, anorexic IS a very strong word, as one of you said. Just do what you think. It's your decision!! :wink:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    It really depends on the size of your frame. Some people at that size and weight may look morbidly under fed, while others might look kind of chunky.

    I suggest the best course of action is to find a goal body fat percentage and then determine the weight you'd need to be to achieve that.

    When I looked into weight loss more than just a simple number on the scale, I found out that my idealized goal I always had was actually lower than my lean body mass. So, I adjusted my goals.
  • MerBear1985
    MerBear1985 Posts: 131
    As some people have already said, it depends on your body type not just height and weight. I am 5'6" and if I go below 150 I look sick. I have been sick and lost weight and gotten down to 150. Even after getting healthy my body settled at 160 and I liked that.

    It also depends on how you lose the weight because you can change your body shape and size without changing your weight.

    My advice would be just keep going, when you get there you can re-evaluate...but your body will level itself out too if you are eating healthily, at some point your deficit will become your maintenance value in theory, or at least close to it.

    Good Luck!
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    People do this for some reason, they prefer you fat, maybe just because they are the type of person who has to place themselves in order of superiority with everyone they know and they don't want you upsetting their balance and bettering yourself.

    I lost a couple of stone a few years ago, and was still over BMI 25 when I'd done, and high body fat percentage still. Some people commenting how nice I was looking and to keep going (obviously no ulterior motives then) and others warned me about my health and how I didn't want to look too thin, usually they could either do to lose a few themselves, or the fact they were skinny was all they had going for them. I put it down to jealousy.

    I don't think anybody at your height could possibly require a feeding tube at 150lbs. I'm 5ft9" and my goal weight is 145lb. I can easily get down to that with a body fat percentage of 23ish % according too all the online resources I've looked up, so can't be an unhealthy weight me surely. It's certainly not below my lowest healthy bmi, it's smack bang in the middle.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I doubt you would look unhealthy at that weight. My original goal was 112lb but through muddling through maintenance I am now around 109 and very happy with it. Because I have a small build I look slim not skinny or bony. I'm 5'3". My advice would be to not listen to what other people say about your weight and decide yourself what you are happy with. For me I wanted to get to 112 because that's what I used to be a few years back.

    I find that people do make comments through your weight loss journey, but the majority of them are positive and encouraging. Ignore the ones that are not. This is YOUR journey.
    ITS_MY_CHOICE Posts: 62 Member
    I had to do the conversions but I am 5' 7" (172cm) and have goal of 136.687 pounds which is 62kg. I'm currently 65kg which is 143.3 pounds.

    I'm in Australia and certainly not on a feeding tube.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    5'7 and started around 150. Health problems ensued. Got down to 120 and I gotta say I haven't felt this good in my life and I've been thin for most of it.
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    I am 5'7' and weigh 135 when I am in my off season from competing in physique shows. I would never consider myself to look unhealthy at that weight. My stage weight is 125, and that is where I draw the line. I still don't think I look unhealthy, and certainly not "anorexic" at 125. Just keep in mind that people see drastic changes in you when you lose a significant amount of weight, and they don't see you on a daily basis. It appears shocking to them, but that doesn't mean you look unhealthy. Good luck..and try not to invest so much concern in what others think of your appearance. :-)