alecto89 Member


  • I've got a lever belt by Grizzly that I love. It's very thick and tough leather. My old powerlifting coach said you can break it in by massaging baby oil into it.
  • Congratulations on your pr! Why do you call it "not much" :D ?
  • You can look up Marcus Martinez for DVDs and youtube videos. Here is a link to his 20 usdollar dvd: Kettlebells you can get from amazon. Cap barbell makes some good ones. I got a 30 lb one for about 45 dollars. You may want chalk, too.
  • Hi Gabrielle, no apologies needed ;). I have had a Diva cup for almost 3 years and I love it. I have tried the softcup and it leaked, so not for me. I may have placed it wrongly, but I dont think I did. I like using the divacup because I don't have to buy anything else. It cost me 45 dollars 3 years ago and that's the…