
  • Hi Jen I just joined yesterday welcome to the group. I have been discouraged for a long time and just yesterday I got a lot of good tips from people on this site. Take care
  • Thanks to everyone for their support. Today is a much better day.
  • I will try to start walking its just extremely cold here now I will have to find something to do inside. I want to be healthy for my children. I want to be able to play with them w/o getting tired.
  • Thanks. I just wish I had the motivation to do this like I did when I quit smoking
  • Welcome
  • Thanks I just wish I could quit the bad foods, but the cravings are out of control,
  • Hi I am 34 and over weight.. I have tried diet pills and all they did was mess up my heart. Now I have to take medication the rest of my life. Im looking for support to help me get back in shape . Life this way is no fun. Im frustrated and fat....
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