ThisMagicMoment Member


  • Bump. I've taken off only about 40 pounds so far, and can't wait to experience some of the things that have been shared here, even if it is saggy skin. :)
  • Well, so much for that. I'm a daily weigher, and no matter how many articles I read about "ditching the scale", I most likely won't. Like others have said, it's just too interesting having all that data. Yes, I do understand my fluctuations, and hopping on the scale is usually just something I do. I was just toying with…
  • Good luck with monthly weighing! I also gain just as easily when I'm weighing daily, so figure I might as well experiment, and see if I can cut down a little on the weighing frequency. Right now, I think I'm going to try weighing once a month, or twice at the most. I can always change my mind and go back to daily weighing.…
  • I'm considering weighing much less often mainly as something different to do. I've read so many articles about how fat loss is different from weight loss, and how clothes are supposed to be a more accurate way to tell whether we're making progress or not. But every time I put the scale away, saying I'm not going to weigh…
  • After over 40 years of being mostly a daily weigher, I'm toying with the idea of not weighing at all, or maybe just once a month, as I start working on taking off the next 40 pounds. Daily weighing is a VERY hard habit to break. (I weigh daily and use a couple of weight averaging programs. At first they were helpful, but…
  • You've done so well! I'm going to be 67 soon, and it's good to know that as we approach and enter our 70s, we can still take off weight.
  • Thank you for sharing this. I've struggled with my weight all my adult life too, but have stayed as active as possible. This makes me feel a little better. :-) My late husband was an excellent cook, and when he served us, he automatically served me as much as he served himself, and I'd eat it all, even though I knew it…
  • I was down a little over 40 pounds by the end of the first year after my husband died. I didn't really TRY to do this. I just had very little appetite for several months, and kept overly busy doing physical work in the yard, etc. to distract myself from grief. I've kept most of this off for seven years now, but do always…
  • While I'm waiting for something to heat in the microwave, I walk from the kitchen to my bedroom and back. Doing this twice gives me nearly 100 steps. There are days during the winter when I'll just walk back and forth and around in my house, and end up with 5K steps. Every little bit helps.
  • This is good to hear! Being able to get up from the floor without having to hang onto furniture is one of my goals too. The discussion about going slowly is interesting. Even though I have a lot left to lose, I've chosen the half-pound per week weight loss, because I feel too deprived when I try to go for the larger…
  • Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, @AnnPT77. I've commented on this thread only once, but always read it and hope it keeps going. There are so many helpful things shared here.
  • Happy Anniversary, Neena.
  • There's a group for 60+ that's been going for awhile here if anybody is interested.
  • When I have a stack of papers to scan, I don't just sit and scan. I put a paper on the scanner, hit the "start" button, then walk to the kitchen and back. I do this for each sheet of paper. It's way too easy to sit at the computer for hours on end, so this is a good way for me to get a tiny bit more activity, a few more…
  • I have this same regret. I lost 40 pounds the year my husband died, and wish I would have been able to do that while he was still here.
  • Hello, all...This is my favorite group, and I read the comments whenever it pops back to the top, even though I've only posted once, and that was many pages ago. I lost 40 pounds when my husband died, and have kept it off for five years (which is a major accomplishment for me), going up a few pounds with the change of…
  • And look at the pretty rainbow above it! @aliciap0116 I hope your husband makes a quick and complete recovery. @ZhivagosGirl Being able to wear my wedding ring again has been one of my goals ever since I hit my highest weight several years ago. Even though my husband is gone now, that's still one of my main goals. As far…
  • Hi, everyone...Thank you for this group. I just turned 64, and knowing that my next birthday will bring me to "Medicare age", I want to continue with my efforts to lose weight and improve my health. We've just gone through THE hottest summer recorded where I live in New England, so my weight loss efforts have been…
  • Hi, everyone...I turned 64 this month, and realizing that "Medicare age" is coming up quickly, I need to make a better effort with weight loss and fitness before I turn 65. It's been THE hottest summer on record for us, and I don't do well in heat, so my attempts at weight loss the last two or three months have been…
  • I walk back and forth in the house sometimes to get extra steps, but I've never done it for 30 minutes at a time. Good for you!
  • Hi, everyone...I'll turn 64 this summer, and am a New Englander. After having been very overweight for most of my adult life, I lost about 40 pounds when my husband died, and have kept it off since, with little "blips" up and down a few pounds here and there. This is the first time I've ever been able to keep a chunk of…
  • Very helpful thread! Getting my first Fitbit several years ago taught me the benefits of being inefficient with tasks around the house and yard, just trying to get in as many steps as possible. We had a senior pug that never learned how to "ask" to go out, so I made it a habit of taking her out every two or three hours all…
  • Thank you for the kind words, Gerald and Ann. I've taken off about 35 pounds since my husband has been gone, and I know he'd be happy for me. I have a long way to go, and find it helpful having a group of people around my age to talk with.
  • Things changed for me when my husband died shortly before I turned 60. It felt like grief aged me quite a bit. For the first time ever, I started "feeling old". I just turned 63, and am trying to improve my health in general. How I look, or what size I am, is no longer the most important thing. Retaining as much mobility…
  • I just saw this thread pop up again this morning. With Fall right around the corner, I'm going to increase my weight loss efforts to see how much I can get off before the "hibernation months" set in. I lost a chunk of weight when my husband died, and have been able to keep most of it off for the three years that he's been…
  • I'm 62, and lost 42 pounds when my husband died two years ago. I regained nearly 20 pounds due to boredom and emotional eating, but the pounds are starting to come off again. I have a lot more to lose. It's not about how I look, or how thin I might get now. It's about keeping my mobility and saving my knees, since I have…
  • I lost 42 pounds after my husband died two years ago. I've gained nearly half of it back, and I don't want to gain it ALL back if I can help it. I hadn't been able to wear my wedding rings for several years, and even though my husband is gone now, I'd still love to be able to get them on again.
  • I lost 42 pounds without trying after my husband died, but have regained 15, and don't want to regain ALL of it, so I'm here to see if I can get my weight loss started again, and keep going because I still have plenty to lose. Feel free to add me.