

  • Hi! No matter what kind of ED, I think we all of that controlling constant fear. What is supposed to keep us alive becomes our enemy and can kill us at the same time. And unfortunately, we are not in a situation to just "give something up".... Welcome to the convo and I hope we can support each other when we need it!
  • I have to say....this is the first time that I have ever talked to someone else who knows what i'm going through and that is soooo reassuring. Just talking about it period I think has helped a little....and I feel like it holds me more accountable. I hate letting people down and now that the most important people in my…
  • When I was younger, I burned myself for awhile...its kind of funny how all of this stuff goes hand in hand. I'm embarrassed to say that I actually didn't know about the endorphin release with vomiting! I took a huge step and told me dad today about whats been going on. Outside of telling me that "no one else needs to know…
  • I'm just horrible about purging....once i start, I can't stop! And its not even that I am eating a ton of food...its often something stupid like soup, and then salad, and other things that I know are easy to bring up. It just feels good to me. I'm sure in the long run, I will feel much better when I have more control over…
  • Funny, I saw this topic and was like "YES!!!! This is exactly how I feel!!!!". Then I clicked on the topic and saw a familiar face :) I have never felt more out of control of my life as I do right now, trying to tackle this ED. I finally just let myself go back for awhile so I could be happy again. How screwed up is that?…
  • Thanks for the support ladies. It has been a rough week or two. I know that he is sticking with me through this, but I still feel like its putting a strain on us. This is supposed to be one of the happiest times in my life and instead, i'm sitting here and kicking myself for telling him. Now instead of planning a wedding,…
  • I am right there with you! We are looking at getting married next October/November. Sometimes its hard to stay motivated when its that far away! What do you do to keep yourself on track? The first couple of months were horrendous because everyone wanted to take us out to dinner or for drinks to celebrate!