

  • I recently had the same experience. I had been avoiding the scale for months and hoped on last week and I haven't weighed this much in 4 years! The first few weeks are always the hardest. Once you have a good routine in place it gets easier and the cravings will reduce! I swear for the first few weeks I could hurt somebody…
  • Try adding in some fiber and lean protein, for example eggs and a high fiber cereal like all bran. this will help fill you up and keep you going longer. Also try to have healthy snacks available like fruit and veggies so you can munch on something before getting too hungry and then over eating.
  • I love yoga jeans! They come in a variety of cuts ( skinny, boot and flared) and waist styles ( mid rise, low and high rise) they are soft and stretchy but don't lose their shape.
  • Evenings are always the worse for mindless eating! I make air popped popcorn. It's high fiber and takes a while to eat.
  • I'm a newly graduated nurse and I found once I started working 12 hour shifts the best way for me to keep on track was to bring a lot of healthy food options, more than you think you'll eat. That way you are not going to be stuck eating things people bring in or going to hospital food courts. If you are in a busy…
  • I've used weight watchers in the past. It helped me lose 60 pound in the past and again now as 20 has creeped back on. I found I was obsessing over the points and how much I could have and was worried about being hungry all the time. It made me eat more carbs and fat free food and less protein. Weight watcher also has…
  • I find the more lean protein I eat the more weight I lose. I've been battling with my weight since I was a child and it always seems easier to eat carbs because they are low fat or fat free. As I got older I realized this might not be the best way and find more protein helps to keep me fuller longer and I lose more weight.