

  • that is so amazing!! you are definatly an inspiration, to stick with it that long and get to where you "need" to be, i say it like that bc the whole bmi thing kinda makes me mad bc im 5'1 and suppose to be 115 but i know id look sick bc i know i have hips and whatnot... ANYWAY ... good work on that! congrats!
  • ive just started losing weight and my husbands been flippin out on me already....thinking im gonna leave him and whatnot but he has his own reasons for being paranoid.... but im hoping maybe if i do lose all the weight, eventually he'll realize im doing it to try to be better for me and for him... mostly for me but still…
  • wow you look amazing!! I would be happy to lose a fraction of that by next year!! i would feel AMAZING if i looked how you do by next year!! Im starting off at 220 lbs... I lost 4 lbs so far...i think its been 2 weeks? again CONGRATS! you are truely an inspiration!!
  • ok to all you who lost your baby weight and then some... how did you do it and what did you weight before you had the baby?? Also it sounds like most of you were more or less smaller or close to ideal weight before you had babies. I was overweight before I had my baby and still am... anyone else out there like that who…
  • hi I'm in the same boat... I am 22 and have a 19 month old son but i've been over 200 lbs since I got out of high school... all my friends that would be my motivation live in another state so its hard to keep motivated when you have no one it seems you can talk to. Feel free to add me because I need as much help as I can…