seahorsewahine Member


  • hahahahahahahaha! so true! Were you spying on me??
  • OOOO! I will have to try these :)
  • I based the recipe on this
  • If you find that sugar affects you....look into the glycemic index of the fruits you are eating. If it has a high glycemic index it can have a bigger impact on your blood sugar...and therefore fat production. And it is crazy which fruits are high and low.....cantelope, pineapple and watermelon are high glycemic... While…
  • Hi! I am testing out a new breakfast... My old one used to be crustless spinach quiche which always did the trick in keeping me full...with protein and not carbs! New breakfast to mix it up a bit - is steel cut oat breakfast bars that I make from scratch. steel cut oats wheat germ walnuts craisins peanut butter 1 egg…
  • I started a group for all of us PCOS ladies that are trying low glycemic lifestyles! Come on over a join me... It is called: PCOS and Low Glycemic Eating
  • I second the evils of Agave Nectar....not only do they cut it with HFCS...but all the different color variations are purity issues, not purposeful decisions. And I found that with PCOS the Agave nectar made me gain weight instantly!!
  • I'm in! Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 300 minutes: Mon: 30 minutes Zumba, 30 minutes snowshoeing Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 60 / 300
  • I make crustless quiches. 1 block cream cheese (low fat or regular) 1/2 bag baby spinach, chopped and wilted in microwave for 30 seconds 1/2 bag shredded cheese 6-8 eggs salt, pepper, seasoning, optional - bacon, sausage, etc. Mix well and pour in greased 9x9 pan or muffin pan I wrap each piece in tin foil and then ziplock…
  • We all just need to suddenly stop calling it LC and switch to LOW GLYCEMIC! Will they whine then? I too have PCOS and have found that restricting my carbs down to nothing backfires everytime...but if I consistently stick to LOW GLYCEMIC foods I lose weight and feel a ton better. I do indulge in a "medium" glycemic food…
  • After years of testing different methods out i have found it is not so much about the number of carbs, but of the quality. Buy a good glycemic index book and classify the things you eat. Once in a blue moon eat something off the "high" list. Once a day or two eat something off the "medium" list and knock your self out on…