Hi all! Gotta say...I make a mean crustless quiche. But I try to limit my dairy and honestly don't really love the taste of eggs. Anyone have any good breakfast alternatives? If I am not in a quiche mood I usually end up having an Atkins meal shake...to get some protein (hypoglycemic) with out too many carbs. Ideas would…
Any ladies with PCOS have success or trials with primal/paleo? I started this spring and lost 10 pounds. Then summer hit and I was gone to conferences for a month straight with no control over what I was eating. I pretty much tried to stick to gluten free as much as possible, but that was about as paleo as I got. With the…
Hi all, I have created a new group specifically for women with PCOS that are trying to maintain a low glycemic lifestyle. Check it out in groups under PCOS and Low Glycemic Eating Thanks!