laurakeens94 Member


  • Also if you struggle to eat that amount of calories, try things like peanut butter on wholegrain bread and a handful of nuts a day as a snack. They are high in healthy fats and calories
  • If you put your details into this it will tell you what you need to maintain, and what you need to loose/gain weight. Take a look,
  • Hi First of all, congratulations on recovering! You have come along way and now need to focus on becoming healthy. I would say you are doing the right amount of exercise if you want to maintain so dont worry about that! I would say you should eat around 1800 at least to maintain and be healthy, with a BMI of 20 you could…
  • Sometimes people can even over eat when they are happy, i have put on a stone since being in my relationship. Also when I start I cant stop. Speak to your parents or a relative you feel you can confide in, they are most likely worried about you. Also, find a hair salon or home hair dresser who could give you advice on what…
  • Plus I am 19 and also 5ft 4. I am currently 172 and my weight has yoyo'd my entire life. I used to be a twig until i started binge eating to cover my emotions!
  • I suggest you speak to a councilor, you need to get to the bottem of why you started binge eating and why the sudden change, what caused it? As hard as it may be, but try and put the last 10 months behind you as a totally different period in your life and start again. Work on building your body, mental attitude and life to…
  • Feel free to add me anyone I am 19 years old 5 ft 4 SW 178 CW 175 GW 145 Good luck everyone!
  • I have also just started and lost 3 pounds in my first week! Congrats, keep it up!
  • Thank you! I dont often eat more than 700cals for main meals, however i prefer to have a substancial good meal in the evening and eating fewer throughout the day. If I only ate 300 calories for dinner as suggested, I would end up reaching for the crisps or buiscet tin by 8pm! My downfall is spaghetti bolognase, this is the…
  • Yes orange squash in the UK is as above. I do use the no added sugar one that only has sweeteners so thats good to know! thank you
  • Unfortunatly I really dont like drinking plain water. and yes I just havent bothered logging my fluid intake. I tend to drink about 1.5 litres of orange squash(no added sugar) a day, and around half a litre of plain water when I am exercising. This is alot for me! I have always struggled to drink enough, does this sound…
  • My calories are set for 1300, the excess calories are due to exercise, I sometimes eat these back sometimes not. My NET after exercise is normally around 1200-1300, and yes I have a little food scale and weigh all the food in grams. So far I have lost 3 pounds since monday. Probly all water weight though!