

  • I feel for you! It is so hard to keep going when no one seems to notice, but remember, you are doing this for YOU! There will come a time if you keep plugging away that all of the sudden people will start to notice! I hit a plateau awhile back and I started looking at my percentages of carbs, fat and protein, as well as…
    in BMR Comment by keybelle April 2011
  • I wear them only as "sitting" shoes..... I love them, they are sexy, they make me look taller, but once you develop problems from years of wearing them, (usually in your 50's) they become "sitting" shoes. Now, I do have to say Naot is a brand that makes a tolerable high heel because the front is built up and you get better…
  • You might want to try a 10 pound weight that you know weighs 10 pounds for sure, and put it on both scales. See which one is the closest and stick with that one. Or it could be whatever you know is a set weight. At any rate, looking at how much you've lost, a few pounds either way shouldn't be too disturbing! You are doing…
  • I use the New Balance with an orthotic insole for high arches. They have a machine at the store where you stand on the machine and it tells where the pressure points on your feet are. This helps to figure out which shoe you need to correct issues like pronation, etc. Of course, you don't have to buy them at the store, you…
  • I've been there as well. I can go either direction, eating all the wrong foods (chocolate!!) or not able to eat. What I would say is get some of those energy or zone bars just to keep your health up and take a multivitamin every day. You don't want to put yourself in starvation mode and get stuck, not to mention being more…
  • I have foot problems that occur from time to time so I wear the best shoe I can get. What I do, though, is go in the store and make sure I find exactly what I want (I use a NB runner with an orthotic) and make sure I get fitted to the right size. Then, I leave without getting the shoes and search for them on the net for…
  • I added strength training every other day for about 30 minutes because muscle burns more calories, even at rest. I do a workout at home. I use 5 lb. dumbbells to do about 15 reps on biceps, triceps, pectorals, and shoulder presses (pushing the weight straight up). Then I do about 50 crunches, and another 50 oblique…
  • I was pretty out of shape when I started. I started off with alternating a 30 minute weight/toning segment alternating every other day with 30 minutes of low impact aerobics. As I got more fit, I am up to 60 minutes of cardio about 6 days a week, and I still do the weights (6 pound ankle weights and 5 pound dumb bells)…
  • I would be really interested to know if any DirectTV subscribers know what this channel is called on there. I am getting ready to change cable companies and considering Direct as one. I learned to love exercise on tv back in the 1980's (dating myself) I think it was on the Lifetime channel or something. There was a lady…
  • Complex carbohydrates (whole grain, oats, etc.) are supposed to be the best kind. Artificial sweeteners are supposed to be a problem for some reason because they "trick" your system into something, so I have given them up except maybe a diet coke or two a week. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is pretty much processed like…
  • My suggestion to you is that you go to a good therapist. It is a long road, but I see that you have managed to lose quite a bit of weight, so I know you have the ability to change things about your life. You may need some direction with your issues, someone qualified to do that.
  • Jacole, I am right there with you! I had surgery right before Christmas, so out the window went exercise for about 9 days. I am going to start back in the morning. We have a bunch of treats left over from Christmas and I'm weaning off of them. I picked up about 3 pounds but hopefully that will come back when I get back to…
  • For me, I had to cut the fat down slowly, make sure I measure and weigh food accurately as well. You might try cutting your butter in half to start, or perhaps just dipping the bread in olive oil. Some of the spray non-stick products are good for cooking without the fat. Surprisingly enough to me, I found that the taste of…
  • I do it every other day. When you build muscle you burn more calories, even at rest. I was just walking before and not seeing any fitness improvement. I added the strength training and it made a tremendous difference.
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