deereb123 Member


  • wash it everyday. I don't generally use heating products (dryer, flat iron).
  • it's challenging but doable. Please feel free to friend me. encouragement from lots of people is the way to go! We CAN do this.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss. Losing more weight and increasing your energy level by the wedding date is totally possible. You CAN do this.
  • I am still in the alpha phase of T25 and I am loving it. It's been a great format and I like Shaun T's style of motivation in the videos.
  • Disclaimer: I am a beachbody coach and no, I don't care where you got the product from and no, I am not going to try to sell you anything. I am doing T25 myself. I still have a ways to go to meet my weight loss goals. I have an accountability group that is a hybrid p90x and T25 group. You are welcome to join. I do this to…
  • Yes, I am a coach and no I am not recruiting. Yes, I am doing T25. I am personally still working towards my weight loss goal. I have a group starting up on 11/11 that will be hybrid T25 and P90x group. No, I don't care if you have another coach. I won't be trying to make you switch coaches. As long as your inspiration is…
  • Doing T25 and I really love the program. Its amazing!
  • I quit smoking and gained FIFTY pounds. You are doing awesome. I replaced cigs with food as my stress management tool. Weight loss is a journey. If you are consistent about exercising (cardio 3-5 days a week) and are keeping your calories in line with recommendations, I would also suggest using a tape measure. At times you…
  • I agree that you have to log your calories. It makes a huge difference, even if you typically eat the same meals over and over. Second, I would suggest taking an honest look at what you are eating. It might be worth the investment of working with a dietician to help you develop an eating plan if you haven't already found a…
  • I drink a shake that has lots of nutrition packed into it and have seen a huge difference since I started.
  • I agree that variety is helpful. Not only trying some new forms of exercise but also taking a look back at the ones that you truly enjoyed. Did you enjoy doing a dance exercise video? Can you find a new dance exercise video? Can you take a dance class with a friend? Also, find an accountability partner who can inspire you…
  • Would love if you followed my page too I'm just starting to set the page up today. I've lost 33 pounds but gained so much more as i learn about myself and what I am capable of doing.
  • imo, it depends on a couple of factors 1) how much weight you gained 2) how long it has been since you gained the weight the sooner you get started on going back to pre-baby weight, the more likely you are to loose the flab. I did this with child # 1 - still working on the journey with child #2
  • Welcome. You have made the first step on an amazing journey. I have found having an accountability partner makes the journey managable.
  • I think it comes from a couple of different perspectives. 1) what is your WHY? WHY do you want to (lose weight, gain muscle, etc.)? 2) how are you reminding yourself of your WHY each day? 3) did you break your WHY goal into managable portions? happy to visit more offboard if you are interested in a free accountability /…
  • Just joined instratgram - @brandideere Happy to follow you. I'm with you on focusing on eating healthy, exercising and having an amazing life because of the effort that I am putting into it.!