How do you stay motivated?

LemonLizard Posts: 86 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I've always lacked motivation - it's just always been something I've had a very hard time with.

How do you all stay motivated to lose weight? I really really really want to be healthier, and feel happier with my body and how I look, but that isn't even motivation enough.

Motivation tips? What do you guys do?


  • jvbrooks
    jvbrooks Posts: 82 Member
    You just need to want it.

    Not being motivated really doesn't work as an excuse, as only you are in charge of your feelings. If you want to be more motivated, actively be more motivated.
  • deereb123
    deereb123 Posts: 18 Member
    I think it comes from a couple of different perspectives.

    1) what is your WHY? WHY do you want to (lose weight, gain muscle, etc.)?
    2) how are you reminding yourself of your WHY each day?
    3) did you break your WHY goal into managable portions?

    happy to visit more offboard if you are interested in a free accountability / support program.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I agree with pp, you need to want it. Also, I look at my befores/afters for continued motivation.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Motivation is worthless. It's temporal. A fleeting moment that isn't sustainable.

    If you fail at something enough times eventually you get tired of failing. The only alternative to failure is succeeding. To succeed you have to set your mind on doing the things required for change.

    Where are you mentally?

    Here: i want to lose a little weight

    Here: I want to lose weight!!!



    Internal drive and determination will produce the long term results. Motivation will get you through a short weekend.
  • jerryvo
    jerryvo Posts: 66 Member
    You have to look inside and find 2 voices that must be with you all of the time. The first voice is the one that reminds you why you are doing this and the second voice is the one that gives you a kick in the *kitten* when you need it.

    For me my logical voice tells me my wife and family deserve a better me and maybe most importantly I deserve a better me.

    My motivation voice always yells the same thing 'Keep going fatty'. He really has gotten me through some workouts.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    What do you want to accomplish? Why do you want it? How bad do you want it?
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    First, you have to want to lose weight and be healthy. I mean REALLY want it. Then you have to find a reason to KEEP you wanting it.

    I am a very visual person. So to help me stay motivated, as I have fallen off the wagon in the past from lack of motivation, I googled "weight loss motivation quotes". I wrote a down a bunch of them that appealed to me on post its, and stuck them all over my bathroom mirror and one on my fridge. I read them everyday. So far they've worked. I also wrote down what my weight loss amount is, and how much I have to go before goal each week after I weigh myself.

    One of my favorite quotes is : "When you think about quitting, think about why you started."

    Find something that works for you.
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    Seeing my hard work paying off, and my friends on here that I know are looking for my workouts!!!!! Just knowing that you're in it with a few good friends really helps :)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    The mirror
  • samammay
    I want to feel as confident as everyone thinks I am.
    I want to look better than I did last week or last month or last year.
    I want to know I am treating myself right because there are times that I know I wont.
    I want to set a good example for my wife and kids
    Screw it.. I want to be hot.
    I want the hot moms at my kids school to secretly hope things fall apart with my wife and I.
    I want my wife to look at them all and smile knowing it aint gonna. Ever.

    ETA: I stay motivated by reminding myself of these things.
  • Toekneelynn
    I also think seeing results and wanting to continue seeing results is good motivation. I just sadly havent stuck with a workout long enough to see results. I think if I did tho, i would continue. I might do like three days and i get discouraged when i dont notice results in my body or no weight dropped from the scale and quit. I must say though, that i am counting calories pretty good now, I think that is a start :)
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    I keep a picture of myself at my heaviest to remind me I never want to go back to that again...right on the fridge!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When I was losing, I didn't really worry so much about the actual weight and number on the focus was and remains to be on my nutrition and fitness...losing weight and looking better was just a really nice bi-product of both of those things. I focus and strive to be better today than I was yesterday..and I plan on being better tomorrow than I am today. Next week I will be stronger and faster than I am this year I will be more awesome than I am this year.

    I don't think in terms of the day to's today, and tomorrow...and next week and next month and next year and 10 years from now, and the rest of my life...everyone says "lifestyle", and I really think that term actually goes over everyone's head.

    Personally, I found very little motivation in simply "losing weight" or vanity or anything like motivation is my health (which is vastly improved from a year ago this coming Wednesday) and my fitness...I'm about where I was in my late 20s fitness wise at 39's take a year, but I'm here...and next ytear I'm going to rock it even harder. Externally, my motivation is my kids...I got my **** together primarily because I want to stick around awhile and watch my boys grow up...the road I was heading down would have had me very sick in my 50s/60s best case scenario...dead worst case.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Real motivation isn't about maintaining the right "mood." It's about having reasons and a plan.

    I really want to be healthier, in less pain, more fit, thinner, prettier, etc. Those are reasons worth sticking to my plan.
  • dazydawn
    dazydawn Posts: 55 Member
    bump to read tomorrow.
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    I have been on MFP (second time) for 4 weeks now and not lost a thing. I feel very deflated but still motivated that I can do it.

    The things that keep me going are:

    - the success stories on the forum. If they can do it so can I. And the weight losses on here have been amazing!
    - every day when I look in the mirror and hope that if I carry on I will look better eventually
    - a family wedding at Christmas that I want to look better for
    - there is so much support on here that when I am feeling down and unmotivated, my MFP friends always seem to pick me up again

    I hope you find your motivation and reach your goal
  • aprilellis75
    aprilellis75 Posts: 4 Member
    Me? My sister and I are having a healthy life/weight loss battle :)

    As extended family we have booked an overseas holiday for February and besides being healthier we both want to be smaller.

    If I get slack (not exercised in 3 days) she kicks my butt and I do the same for her!

    We search for better menu choices together. We commiserate with each other.

    We are each others support and help each other get "back on the wagon" if we fall off.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's not a matter of staying motivated. It's a matter of making the choice to do it no matter HOW you feel. It takes time, hard work, and determination. Motivation is a small factor, and it will come and go.
  • Megabot
    Megabot Posts: 173 Member
    Well to be honest, you can't stay "OMG GO GO GO" every time you workout. Just doesn't work like that. I still try to motivate myself with pinterest boards and friends and new excercises and rewards of everything from straight up money or food or a manicure.

    But tell the truth, it's not always gonna work. So when I finally gave in to that idea, it's when I gave up and just used discipline. "I SAID I would work out every day this week, I'm going to." And even though I don't feel like it, I at least go TO the gym. Even if I do only 20 minutes of a half-assed workout, I went there. I did something.

    Motivation to get you going, then use some self-discipline, and then once you see results after a couple months, you'll get emotionally excited again. Repeat.
  • Jenifer_Duron
    Hello everyone!
    You just need to follow some little things in your life to stay motivated and happy:
    1. Set a Goal.
    2. Remind yourself daily.
    3. Set a deadline for yourself to your goal.
    4. Check daily where you're or how much space is left between you and your goal.
    5. Appreciate yourself.
    6. Do what you love.
    7. Spend some time with people who makes you happy.
    8. Spend some time with yourself too (read or watch success stories often, think about being creative with your goal and have fun)
    9. Eat healthy and enjoy it.
    10. If someone comment on you negatively think about that once whether you made some mistake or not. If you did, fix it. If you didn't, just ignore them and go ahead.:huh:
    11. Don't let anyone judge you, and if they do, let them do. Hurdle arises, keep moving forward.
    12. Congrats! You've finally achieved what you wanted. :)
    13. Reward yourself. Feel Proud.:flowerforyou:
    14. Set another goal.
    15. Repeat..... :smile:
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