Indiri13 Member


  • Day to day you may not lose because of fluctuations in water weight, etc. but you should see an overall trend of the numbers dropping (so the scale may stay the same or even go up a bit one day but go down more on other days). If you are not losing overtime then you are overestimating your deficit. Either you are not as…
  • Think of your body as a roll of paper towels and the individual pieces as pounds. At the outside of the roll it takes multiple pieces to cover the outside so to lose a layer takes a larger amount of pounds. As you get closer to the inside of the roll it takes less pieces to go around it so losing a layer takes a smaller…
  • If you want to lose weight you will have to cut back on the amount. Alcohol will slow your metabolism some but the bigger cause is the calorie content of it and that it's likely making you eat more and eat less healthy foods while drinking. Try limiting yourself to 1-2/day and try to have a couple alcohol free days each…
  • Several years ago I ate so little I lost mine for 4-5 months when my BMI was still around 22. As soon as I bumped calories up to BMR-ish (for me 14-1500 as I was still losing weight then) they came back. It was all a little irregular for a while (14-31 day cycles and unpredictable) so I did end up on BC for a while to…
  • I would say it's defective and you should exchange it if new batteries don't fix the problem. I bought a Health Meter scale from Walmart for $27 and it works well for me. If I weigh myself twice then the 2 numbers will be pretty close to each other (within .4). When it starts to get inconsistent I know I need new…
  • I love being tall (5'10") and I wouldn't trade it but all of my friends are short so in group pictures I'm always the floating head/shoulders in the back of the photo. It does make me feel amazon-ish on occasion.
  • You have several days with fairly high sodium (2500+). Do you think it's possible you've lost fat but are retaining water? Do you take tape measurements in addition to the scale? Sometimes you may be getting smaller but not losing weight, particularly when you are so close to your goal. How long have you been stalled in…
  • Yes, this. I wore a 36C (145 lbs) in high school and that worked well enough so I never got a proper fitting. When I gained weight (highest 240) and was about 95 pounds heavier than high school and with 3 babies I was still wearing a 36C and it worked (I didn't wear wired or padded bras so they stretched) so I never got…
  • Yes, it will work but you probably don't have to eat 1200 unless you are very short (under 5' tall). You can if you want to of course, but most people find 1200 very hard to stick to and you most likely don't need to be that hard on yourself. A pound or two a month is slower but it's still progress, so that's good. Take…
  • You reply "um, that's muscle. You would know if you had any". Okay, not really, cause that's mean. But seriously, you look great so try to not take it to heart.
  • This is a lifestyle change, not a "till I get to goal" change. You are very unlikely to give up pizza for your whole life if it's a food you like so it's important to get used to incorporating that into your diet, which you did. You shouldn't feel guilty, but instead feel rather proud of yourself. You fit in a food you…
  • Learn to recognize bored eating vs hungry eating. If you are actually hungry, eat something. But if, like me, you often find you want to eat something because you're bored, fill it with something else. If I go to the pantry I ask myself if I'm just bored-hungry. If so, I go drink a glass of water (helps get those ounces…
  • My weight goes up 2-4 pounds during that week so if seeing that won't discourage you then go ahead and weigh yourself. Just know that it will go back down in a few days. If I can manage to not up calories during that time (when I'm more hungry/craving) then I lose more weight during TOM than the other week of the month, so…
  • Each pound of muscle and each pound of fat needs calories just to maintain it. That's why when we eat at a deficit we lose weight (the fat/muscle needed more than we gave it). If a person is larger then they have more fat/muscle and those extra pounds require more calories to maintain.
  • Start with the small changes. Instead of denying yourself the food, can you eat less? Can you cut out/down liquid calories like sodas? You don't have to do everything all at once, which can make it seem completely overwhelming. Start by just tracking what you do eat, and be completely honest with it (you can leave it…
  • Definitely go to counseling for you, it will help you get through this. The counselor will undoubtedly assign you "homework" of things he/she wants you to think about between visits and going for long walks is a really good time to think about it and coincidentally also a good exercise time for you. Right now the…
  • Calories burned while sleeping Water lost both through sweat and breathing (water vapor in your breath) If you used the bathroom before your morning weight (water weight went down) I usually weight 1.5-2 lbs less in the morning than I do at night but it's occasionally as much as 5 lbs.
  • I took a weekend off to just enjoy my vacation and eat at maintenance. I "gained" 8 pounds in 3 days because: I ate a lot of salt and it retains water I ate a lot more breads/carby goodness than usual I exercised by walking around a LOT and my muscles retained water I didn't drink as much water as usual and dehydration…
  • Yes, go see a doctor. And if you don't like that one, see another, but find one that works for you. Your cycle will probably come back once you eat normally (mine did after being gone for 5 months) BUT it may have a few surprises for you at first. I used to have a regular 28 day cycle. When it came back it was suddenly…
  • I didn't use one until I got closer to my goal but now it's become really helpful since I have a much smaller window between loss and maintenance.
  • I dropped off my wedding ring to have it sized down again. I resized it once last year but it's getting a little too loose again so we decided to go down one more time.
  • I went with the Force because I'm too big on details not to have the display screen. I wanted to be able to check my progress quickly without my phone being needed (my Android Galaxy Victory is not supported currently) and I look at my steps several times a day. The watch function is nice to have. Someone said they don't…
  • I have about 10 pounds to go. I'm aiming for the end of April though it may be a little agressive for me, being so close to goal, but what the heck. Getting to 150 (I'm 5'10") this would be the first time at my high school weight since high school (I'll be 35 tomorrow) so that would be kind of awesome.
  • I bought a pair of jeans one size too small and hung them in the middle of the closet where I saw them every day. Once a week I tried them on and watched the muffin top get smaller and smaller until they fit. Then I donated the larger pair, wore the smaller ones, and bought another pair that was 1 size too small and…
  • I took the weekend off and ate at maintenance all weekend long. So I "gained" 5 pounds (water and food weight, both temporary) but it will be gone in 4-5 days-ish. It actually worked out really well because you're supposed to take a break from a constant deficit every now and then, which is REALLY hard for me to do but…
  • I generally just go with best guess and log that. For example, yesterday I had a sausage croissant from a local breakfast place so I used the Starbucks croissant and the Denny's sausage since those are pretty similar in size/type to what I had. Is it exact? Well, no, but for me that's better than not logging at all. Do the…
  • In the beginning it was about 15 lbs per size (when I was in the 200s). Now that I'm down to around 160 it's more like 5-7 pounds for a size change (I'm currently a 6 or 8, depending on brand). I'm 5'10" and that will make a difference too, I suppose.
  • 27 seems pretty normal considering your hip/chest measurements. If you ARE bloated, reducing sodium and drinking more water can reduce it in 2-4 days.
  • Last year I stopped counting and I gained 25 pounds of the 85 I'd lost. I've since lost 20 of them and I really think that this time I'm just going to keep logging through maintenance. It doesn't take me very long to log and it does make me look at what I'm doing every single day.
  • Most likely it's something causing water weight: More sodium than usual More carbs than usual Exercise (muscles sore?) Dehydration Time of Month (horomones) or you just ate/drank later in the day yesterday than usual and less water has had a chance to leave your system.