

  • Goodluck darl, you can do this - you will do this :)
  • Sounds like your doing an amazing job losing the weight, it's always hard when you get to that plateauing stage hey! I have no advice other then maybe trying to alternate the form of exercise you are doing, as i have heard just changing the way in which you are exercising can help but i have never tried it myself....anyway…
  • Hi LaurieMP, I was the orginal poster and i am also EBF my lil boy, he is 7months now and i get -300 a day which is great. I've been doing this for one month now and have so far lost a total of 4kgs so i am happy - hoping to lose another 2-3 kg before xmas might be a challenge but im up for it :)
  • Thanks for all of your replies and help, i have managed to go in a change my goals and also add in the breastfeeding so thankyou very much for pointing me in the right direction. Just one question , i'm feeding a bub who is 7 months old and i have noticed when you add that it ask how many serves, but it only say's one day…
  • Hi Dom, I'm also from Australia (Brisbane) . Congrats on your upcoming wedding , im sure you will reach your goal and look beautiful on your very special day.
  • Thanks ladies for the warm welcoming .....your so right this place is very supportive and nice!! Forgot to mention in my original post that i am in Australia, is anyone else here from Australia too :)