colormeskinny2 Member


  • I have been doing the 17 Day Diet since March 12, 2013....I've recently kind of fallen off the bandwagon but am trying to get back on! I'm suppose to start Cycle 3 tomorrow! Black Beans are not allowed in Cycle 1 but they are allowed in Cycle 2, gives you something to look forward to :) Good luck with the "diet" stay…
  • "I have just started this 17 Day Diet and I think it is great. Don't feel hungry at all and have already started loosing weight. Does anyone know if you can have black bean sauce on your stir fry in Cycle 1smile " I have been doing the 17 Day Diet since March 12, 2013....I've recently kind of fallen off the bandwagon but…
  • This just might be the motivation I needed! I've been on MAP for awhile on and off and this time around I am struggling to stick with it because for some reason (probadly my sugar addiction) I can't lose weight. So, you can count me IN!
  • What kind of heart rate monitor to you all use for Zumba, I want to get one but don't want to spend a lot on one but I want one that works well....any suggestions??
  • Track it as 20 minutes of circuit training, at least that's what I've been told from looking around on the web.
  • Done with day 1! My legs are like jello now but I know the results will be worth it! I took before pics as well so at the end I can have a visual of what my results are instead of just looking at numbers! Good luck ladies- let's keep each other going! We can do this! We WILL do this!!
  • I hear ya! I have the same exact problem. I've tried 3 or 4 times now and end up giving up after about a week. It gets harder to push yourself to do it when you don't feel like it. I would LOVE to have someone to do this with along the way- so you can count me IN!! I have a wedding dress to fit into by September so I need…
  • Day 1 for me! I found this a little late but I'll still join :) Starting weight is 160.5---LET'S DO THIS!! :happy:
  • I have done 30 Day Shred and it was a workout for me! I'm not in shape and I'm not used to exercising often so that could be why, but it's a good workout either way. I have yet to do it for a consecutive 30 days so I can't really give you a success story, but I did it for a week straight and I could already tell a…