Looking for a 30 day shred support buddy...

I just started the 30 day shred again today, and I would really like to keep it up this time. I have tried like 4 times in the past, and make it about 4 or 5 days then I just lose motivation and give up. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in becoming 30 day shred buddies and helping each other through it?


  • colormeskinny2
    colormeskinny2 Posts: 9 Member
    I hear ya! I have the same exact problem. I've tried 3 or 4 times now and end up giving up after about a week. It gets harder to push yourself to do it when you don't feel like it. I would LOVE to have someone to do this with along the way- so you can count me IN!! I have a wedding dress to fit into by September so I need to get my butt in gear! We can do this!!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Im up for that! I started last month and lasted 6 days but then lost motivation! So now i'm on my 2nd day of my 2nd attempt and decided to try Level 2!! Holy Moly its way tougher that Level 1!!
  • willow3eb
    willow3eb Posts: 161 Member
    I just started it for the first time 2 days ago. Today would have been day 3, but I took the day off for my legs to stop feeling like Jello. Gonna get back into it tomorrow, but it would be great to know someone going through it at the same time too!
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    Awesome! Thanks ladies!! We all can do this! I just finished with day 1, and it was tough, but I accomplished it and feel damn good about it too! I took my weight, before photos, and measurements too, hopefully I will see great results from this!

    Go girls!
  • colormeskinny2
    colormeskinny2 Posts: 9 Member
    Done with day 1! My legs are like jello now but I know the results will be worth it! I took before pics as well so at the end I can have a visual of what my results are instead of just looking at numbers! Good luck ladies- let's keep each other going! We can do this! We WILL do this!!
  • becca6492
    becca6492 Posts: 6
    I've done a few workouts, but I haven't really kept up with it. I'll do the 30 days with you guys! I really want to make it through the entire program, not give up after a few workouts.
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    Welcome Becca! We will be here to help you through it! We all seem to be in the first few days of the workout :) Tomorrow is Day 2 for me! If you can, start tomorrow! YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm actually already on level 3, but this is the first time I've ever made it past day 4 of level 1. 10 days is a LONG time of doing the exact same thing, I know. After day 4 or so, you already know what she's going to say, so put some music on and ignore her (well, pay enough attention to hear her cues when it's time to move on). Good luck! It's hard, but it really works. I've lost a lot of inches.
  • VaBeachNurse
    I'm with you all. I started a thread earlier "who wants to start 30 Day Shred with me on July 5 th".
    Several people have just started it, or are getting ready to start it. I'm going to add you guys as friends so that we can help each other out :-)
  • gothicprophet
    I'm starting it tomorrow (7/5/11) so feel free to send me a friend request, just include a little note so I don't just reject it!
  • becca6492
    becca6492 Posts: 6
    Day one was good, I've done a few of the 30DS workouts in the lsat 2 weeks and I think I'm going to bump it up to level 2 tomorrow!
  • VaBeachNurse
    Hi everyone! How is you 30DS going? I start level 2 on Sat.