

  • Huge gamer here. Though when I was at my most addicted to WoW (playing from 8am until about 3am in the morning at one point ) I was also at my lightest since I would skip meals whenever I raided which was 5 nights a week! Gaming's always been a big addiction for me starting from as young as 7 when I'd spend as many hours…
  • Hey, I'm Kelly and I'm 23 and female. Loved video games since I can remember. Huge fan of the Final Fantasy series as well as Grandia, Warcraft, World of Warcraft etc! Still subbed to WoW but not playing much until MoP comes out. I don't have any huge weightloss goals and I've only just started today :) Want to lose about…
  • On Terokkar and Kilrogg EU here. Played since Vanilla an raided up until a few months ago when I got bore of farming Dragon Soul -.-I don't get too much chance to play atm but I generally log on a few times a week to see what's happening :) Any other EU people out there? If anyone wants to add my RealID just message me!
  • Hey, I'm 23 and just starting my journey also :) Would be great to find some people to encourage and to be encouraged! Kelly