

  • the idea of detoxing your body with detox teas and herbs is only a marketing idea! Your liver is 'detoxing' your body all the time, and do you think a herbal tea is increasing your liver efficiency? ..It really does not. just eat healthy, loads of fruit and vegetables and water etc....But the fact that you are in this…
  • true! One point to mention is also that you absorb some water from the food you eat, and once you start your diet, you obviously take in less water through the food and probably need to drink more. Unfortunately I don't like drinking that much water, so I drink loads of unsweetened herbal tea. :)
  • Hi, I think so too, its better if you eat fruits, and drink water, it keeps you full for longer. If water gets boring, try herbal tea, if you like that :) For example, imagine you would eat 3 apples, you would probably feel rather full, but you would not feel full after a big glass of apple juice for long.
  • Hi, lately I drink loads of herbal tea (without sugar) I have a tea pot and a glass on the table all the time, drink this way about 2 liters a day. I like the taste of it and it makes me feel full, and its basically only water. Maybe it could help you too. (If you like herbal tea, think some people don't like it) Oh, yes,…
    in Calories Comment by Jens11 November 2010
  • Hi, I think so too - definitely 3! These diet drinks and bars or diet ready meals are in my opinion useless. I mean, if you enjoy them then its fine to have them, but they are not required at all. ...I have seen diet ready meals which where only lower in calories because the weight of food in it was lower...but still the…
  • Hi, your reply is really great!! very interesting :-)
    in Water? Comment by Jens11 November 2010