
xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm really really trying to get down to 1200 calories a day. But it seems absolutely impossible. I was originally allotted 1480. And I have enough trouble keeping that because I get hungry ALL THE TIME. I just bumped it down to 1300 to see how that goes. I do pretty well at exercising enough to be under my calorie goal but I fear on days that I want a day off from working out that I will go over my calories. Any suggestions. I do pretty well with protein and fiber. I eat small meals throughout my day. So I dont know what else to do.


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Give it time. It can take for up to 3 months for your body to adapt to your new way of eating - especially if your way of eating consisted of either yo-yo diets or not eating enough or even just eating fatty foods. Your metabolism needs to normalize itself. Hang in there :)
  • I would supplement with a protein shake at some point to supress that hunger. Shakes are really filling and would help you make it through the day, however you need to eat your calories.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    If MFP gave you 1480 eat them! I was on 1430 and lost the lbs steadily. Theres no need to starve yourself!
  • sakitchens
    sakitchens Posts: 37 Member
    Try eating less calorie filling foods. I love to eat carotts and green giant individual serving of coliflour and cheese. Both of those are under 40 calories. When I am having a day when I am really hungry I eat those! Good Luck you will get there you just need to keep at it!
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    You probably will go over your calories on non-workout/rest days. I know that I do! If that is only one day a week...then no big deal! Just don't go crazy with the eating on those days.
  • Veggies are low in calories and you can eat lots of them. For instance I LOVE mashed potatoes so instead of potatoes, I steamed a bunch of cauliflower added a little garlic salt and a small amount of fat free shredded cheese and it was GREAT! Hang in there... You'll overcome it!
  • Hi,

    lately I drink loads of herbal tea (without sugar)
    I have a tea pot and a glass on the table all the time, drink this way about 2 liters a day.
    I like the taste of it and it makes me feel full, and its basically only water. Maybe it could help you too.
    (If you like herbal tea, think some people don't like it)

    Oh, yes, thats true, and vegetables, my meals contain always many vegetables, they have so few calories and such a big volumen, its great :)
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I eat a lot of veggies, not only do I actually really love them, but find that they are filling and low in calories.
    Everyday I eat a BIG salad for lunch (at least 2-3 cups) and add in some sliced chicken breast or shrimp. Including my calorie wise salad dressing it is usually only about 200 calories and quite filling.
    Breakfast is oatmeal with cinnamon and frozen blueberries or cereal and dinner is typically our lean protein and a few cups of steamed veggies, or green salad. Every 2nd night I add 1/4c of brown rice or whole wheat couscous.
    I actually find an issue getting up to my calories a lot of days because I eat very clean, nothing processed, all homemade by ME, and lots of veggies. I have had to add in a few calorie rich items (nuts, avacado, olive oil) just to get to my quota each day as a result.
    The "cleaner" you eat the more you can eat!
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    How long have you been watching what you eat? Are you losing weight eating 1480 calories a day? If you are but it is not moving quickly enough for you then give it time. A pound a week is normal healthy weight loss for most people, and your body could just be taking some time to adjust. If you are not losing weight you could be tracking some food items incorrectly. Make sure your portions are accurate and double check the calories burned on any exercise that you input. Sometimes the site overestimates. I am at the end of my weight loss and I am still losing a pound a week at 1400 calories a day so it is definitely possible to lose weight eating more then the generically recommended 1200 calories. After trying both calorie intakes out I wouldn't even recommend it anymore!

    Hope it all works out but if you are hungry do not deprive yourself too much or you will not be able to maintain your healthy lifestyle changes in the long run. Your body knows best! If you are physically hungry then feed it!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    I would suggest, if you're hungry all the time, to increase your calorie allotment for a while. Just go into your goals and manually adjust to something more tolerable. Being hungry all the time is no fun at all, and will wear down your motivation in no time at all. As someone already mentioned, it's going to take a bit to adjust to your new way of eating. For me, when I started, I ended up increasing my calories about 100 above what MFP suggested, just so I could get through the day. That was 1700. Then I lowered it recently again to see how it would go, and also to kick things up a notch to prep for the holidays. Now, only a couple months later I can get through the day on 1300 without too much trauma. Also, if you go above your calories every once in a while, you'll be fine. Just get back with the plan right away the next day. Good luck!
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