

  • Figured it out Boulder Before and After by krasay12, on Flickr
  • That is great, remember it is not all about the lbs, there is toning going on as well. Keep up the great work.
    in NSV! Comment by krasay August 2011
  • I use Kinect Your shape fitness, and log it by name "Your Shape Fitness" You may want to try it for whatever you were using.
    in Kinect Comment by krasay April 2011
  • I am going to do a tandem sky dive
  • Yes it does, I have found more energy and am more flexible, I am still having some pain from the surgery, but I still feel it was the right decision for me and would do it again. Surgery is not for everyone but it was for me
  • I had a lot to lose and I did a lot of walking and did not always eat all my exercise calories as MFP had me at 3000+ calories a day just to lose 1 pound a week and that is more than enough food. Now with readjusting due to the weight I lost 2370 but with the Bariatric surgery I am lucky to get in 850 a day. So the weight…
  • I was on my blood pressure meds for about 3 years. I started with 1 medication as I was having heart palpitations and was borderline high, then about a year and a half later I reached the same level and my diabetic doctor put me on an additional pill as a preventative. When I got out of the hospital after the surgery I was…
  • My Granddaughter was born in March last year shortly after that first photo, She is 10 months old. Of course I fell in love right away and wanted to make sure I was around to watch her group up and assist her whenever I can. I am sorry to hear about your lost with your own dad, I also have learned my lesson from my father,…
  • Thanks, I wish I would have done it years ago and I tried multiple times, but my granddaughter has been my main inspiration. I guess I should have also included how I have done this, the first 25 lbs was following the websites plan and just counting the calories. I was introduced to this website from the bariatric center's…
  • Sounds good, when I get to Stage 2 of my Bariactric diet, that should fit right in with the protein and produce idea, Thanks for the idea.
  • Well folks, I hope you will welcome me to your group. I will be 45 on the 29th of this month. When I started on MFP I was looking into Bariactric surgery and the Dietitian from the center recommended this site to me. I weighed 357 pounds in November. In preparation for the surgery they wanted me to lose 10 - 15 pounds, I…
  • Try this reduction method, Buy you a large bag of hershey kisses, Get some sandwich bags and divide them up in the bags, Puts 16 in the first bag, 14 in the 2nd, 12 in the 3rd, 10 in the 4th etc.(may take more than one bag of kisses but that is ok) Only eat 1 an hour the first day, Then increase the time between each one,…
  • No treats for me :frown: I will be on the pre-diet for Bariatric Surgery for the 28th. I am getting the Gastric By-pass done. :smile:
  • One more point, the biggest thing that helped me break the soda habit was for 2 weeks I only drank coffee in the morning and water throughout the day. After the two weeks, I added in hot teas and crystal light for flavor, I don't miss the soda's any more and actually feel much better.
  • I am not on a 1200 Calorie a day diet, I used the MFP calculator and set my loss at 1 pound a week. It has me currently at 2600 calories a day. I found the example I showed you by going to Google and typing "a typical 1200 Calorie a day diet. There were plenty of examples. BTW on average I come in at about 500 - 600…
  • As other's have said, what helps me most is I post what I have eaten after I had it, so I can see what I have left for the day. It helps keep me focused. I find I have worst days when I wait until the end of the day to post. If you don't have access to the site during the day via a computer or phone, then write it down on…
    in Help! Comment by krasay December 2010
  • 'Breakfast' 1 whole wheat English muffin 1 tablespoon peanut butter ½ banana 'Mid-morning Snack' 20 almonds 1 apple 'Lunch' 2 slices low-calorie whole wheat bread 2 oz. low-sodium turkey breast 1 oz. cheese 1 tablespoon mustard Lettuce Tomato 1 orange 'Mid-afternoon Snack' 8 oz. low-fat yogurt 'Dinner' 3 oz. grilled, baked…
  • Just remember a taste goes a long way. Instead of getting that large spoon full, use a teaspoon to serve yourself. Also use a small plate. Not that huge dinner plate. Good luck
  • Thanks for the heads up, I am new to this site and have been relying on all the food in the database. I will do some cross checking going forward.
  • Raw Carrots, califlower and brocolli is a great snack, If you are one that likes dressings get the sprizters and you can spray a little extra flavor on them without adding a lot of calories