

  • Pleateaus are really hard, but you can push through it! I'd up your protein and mix up your exercises. I finally just broke through my first plateau barrier. You can do it, too! Mine was partially b/c they happen and partially b/c I got a stress fracture in my foot. It was good, though, b/c it forced me to learn a ton of…
  • October 11, 2013. Getting ready to order the dress online! Hoping it'll look fabulous but am also hoping I'll eventually need to take it in! I'm 5'11, lost nearly 20 lbs, and still haven't really gone down a clothing size. Sometimes it feels like I haven't done anything at all, but trying to stay positive on how much…
  • Hang in there! I got so down a few days ago b/c whenever I'm on my period, I gain 7 lbs. It makes it really difficult to keep goals in mind when I weigh myself that week. You've come so far! Keep it up! And don't compare yourself to your fiance. He loves you and is attracted to you, so don't judge yourself by his body.…
  • One more thing! I personally don't tell Myfitnesspal when I exercise. It makes it easier for me if I have set goals for every day. That way, whenever I work out, it's just a weight-loss bonus.
  • I'm 5'11 and am 217 down from 236. Trying to get down to 165 so I don't end up with heart problems like everyone else in the family. Best advice I have is replacing "bad" carbs like pasta with veggies, like spaghetti squash and eggplant. Add a salad to your meal and eat it first. Don't eat out constantly and cut down on…