

  • Congratulations on your new baby! I have a 5m old daughter and the weight has come off (I'm currently less than I was when I fell pregnant but am trying to lose just a few more pounds!). I lost a lot in the first few weeks and then stalled, but it recently started decreasing again. I think this is down to a number of…
  • Hey I was anorexic in my teens and the thing that really helped me turn a corner was realising that I was missing out. I was missing out on parties (since I was too worried about the eating/drinking at them), on dating (since I didn't want to go out for dinner/drinks with anyone) and on being spontaneous (I couldn't decide…
  • Thank you. You were of help! xx
  • The other thing to try is an exercise regime which involves muscle building. Not bulking up loads like a man (it's really really hard for a woman to do that anyway due to our lower levels of testosterone) but just putting on enough muscle to bring her weight up. She should maybe speak to a personal trainer or look online…
  • I used the Erin O'Brien workout DVD almost religiously - was the only pregnancy exercise DVD I could find which was actually a decent workout (unlike so many others which act as though raising your arms above your head whilst pregnant warrants a lie-down to recover...). Would highly recommend it. I also swam lots - not so…