Pregnant and Blah!

oAngieMaeo Posts: 67
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am 16 weeks pregnant now and FINALLY not sick anymore. The last 12 weeks have consisted of me laying on the couch with a bucket near by. NOT fun and because of that I am so out of shape again. I have gained 5 lbs... Which is more then I wanted to gain already. But now that I am feeling better I am motivated to start eating healthier and getting some exercise in (which will benefit me in the long run too!)

Does anyone have any tips of how they stayed on track while pregnant? Like I said, I'm motivated.. But with the sluggish, getting bigger no matter how many calories you eat, lol and all the other stuff us pregnant woman deal with... I find it hard to ALWAYS stay motivated!

Thanks a lot :)


  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member

    I don't have much advice as i'm only TTC but here's a great group of gals that may be able to help you.
  • My friend did a pregnant work out video and loved it.
  • I used the Erin O'Brien workout DVD almost religiously - was the only pregnancy exercise DVD I could find which was actually a decent workout (unlike so many others which act as though raising your arms above your head whilst pregnant warrants a lie-down to recover...). Would highly recommend it.

    I also swam lots - not so much to stay in shape (although it definitely helped) but also to relax and de-stress. It made me feel my normal size which was very much appreciated in the later stages of pregnancy! If you can find something like that which you enjoy for reasons other than calorie burning, you'll be more likely to stick with it.

    Good luck!

  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    swim, walk, do yoga and pilates (never underestimate the importance of pelvic floor exercises!) and above all, don't stress about your weight.

    I know in the US your OBGyns will tell you how much they want you to put on (or not) and all that, but really... it doesn't matter. Not in the slightest. Every woman and every pregnancy is different, and what you're putting on isn't bad fat - it's the fluid, the baby, the extra blood and yes, a bit of extra fat that is set aside as fuel to use up while you are breastfeeding... and not sleeping and/or eating well in the first few weeks after the birth!

    Just to let you know, in the UK, pregnant women only get weighed twice - once at the start (12 weeks) and once at 38 weeks, just to determine how much anaesthetic they may need should there be an emergency. Their actual weight gain is deemed completely irrelevant.
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