

  • Stop thinking and just have fun! There are millions out there just looking or someone to care about them - just have FUN :o)
  • I am in the exact same position so dont lose heart just keep on keeping on. I know exactly how you feel! I also had a time issue with gym and found a gym like Shapes and do just 45min circuit training and go home. That and good eating is bound to kick in some time! So my husband keeps emcouraging me - trust me I have had…
  • I am going to try the YOUTUBE version. Does anyone know if and how one would copy this from YOUTUBE to a dvd? Is there a particular diet to follow? How long do you stay on each level?
  • Money is my problem too. This is complete level for level?
  • Thats a good idea - no waste! I am sure it will make something else taste lovely! I also do the same - run out with big ideas and come back with half the ingredients and more of things I dont need - list or no list! But I have been just doing soups with whatever I have anyway and it still has been edible!
  • I hear you. Also feeling the same. I put on 1.9kg in a month but dropped a few cm's according to the gym I'm at. Somehow it didnt make me feel better. I want to see the difference on the scale so I know how you must feel. Hubby keeps saying press on and I am bound to see a difference soon.. So I am going to do that and…
  • :tongue: It feels like my feet are moving too slow when I walk fast - my body wants to go faster but my little feet cant move fast enough:tongue:
  • Trust me I also was gobsmacked when I saw it but it really is amazing. You get on and just run on the spot. I was told 2min there is equivalent to a 6min run! According to Shapes gym that is
  • I'm just under 90kg and about 25kg over weight for my height. I couldnt run for a long time but now I feel like my feet are going to slow if I walk briskly - almost like my body pushing me to run. I dont run fast, very slow jog..
  • Thanks guys.. I am no where near marathon running but I will def keep this all in mind!
  • Hey there, what is 30DS?
  • Thank you! I have copied them all down and will give them all a try for sure. Will definitely be easier to stay on track with these, thankfully I like soups!
  • Thank you so much. I have never made soups before but realise now that I need to make a whole pot of food for me or else I just sabotage myself daily.
  • Thank you! Yes that gives me ideas. I guess i could use a 4-in1 soup mix for prottein and carbs. That would be cost effective for me thank you
  • Welcome to my life. It sux! The weight issue is huge for me but I just cant get it right. Last week I was down a kg - this morning I'm up that same kg. And like you I am chasing my tail everyday but still getting in at least 30min excercise even if moderate and packing lunches so you can imagine how I'm fighting with my…
  • Yes I have been told that I may not be eating enough but I am too scared to add more to my day! I think my mindset needs a change - I a overweight so I shouldnt be eating alot. But I am told thats wrong. I even cut down my carb intake and was told that was wrong. So yes I think logging my food will be interesting. How do i…
  • No, I havent tried this before. I have been on Weighless which is like weight watchers and its just not working for me. Every week I am so embarrassed at weigh in because everyone loses and not me. I dont know how to record my excercise here. Shapes is a gym for woman that has circuit training so it works out eveyrthing.…