Start 30DS today with me?


I've been on MFP before last year, but now I'm back and much more motivated. To get off to a flying start I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Anybody want to join me and keep each other going? Would be great to have you on board.


  • Hey there, what is 30DS?
  • it's a really good exercise DVD by Jillian Michaels. I used it last year and it made a HUGE difference to my body shape, so I trust it to work it's magic again for me. I bought it off Amazon, and use it with hand weights.
  • alikat517
    alikat517 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey! I am in the same boat as you- tried MFP and 30DS before, but now I am much more motivated to use MFP diligently and see some results! I was thinking this morning about starting 30DS again so count me in!
  • I'd like to join in as well! I too am a former MFPer and I've also done the Shred. I had great results last time :)
  • I'm on day 6 of 30DS and first time, so if you'll accept me I'd love to join. Definitely feeling more toned and it is getting easier - except for push ups (which I have never been able to do) and the cycle/crunch things right at the end (lack of co-ordination and fitness). Let's see if I can do them by day 10!
  • jjshulou
    jjshulou Posts: 50
    I totally want in! I've been reading some success stories of the 30DS and I really want to try. I don't have it yet, but I think you can buy it on your Kindle and watch it that way. I have to double check. So does this start today or...?
  • i'm on day 3 of 30 day shred and feel in it!! i'll join!!
  • I want to start 2mrw, I would start tonight with ya but I don't know where my dvd player is (just moved)
    Anyone else that's starting, feel free to add me as well so I will be more motivated!
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    unfortunately i'm on vacation this week - otherwise i would also love to join! but i do plan on starting it up again as soon as I get home :) (even though I COULD do it through my laptop, but i'm getting enough exercise walking my dog everyday on vacation this week so far! :D).

    but i cant wait to start it and start getting results! (i've done 2 days of it in the last week or so and it is a KILLER workout!)
  • alesnie
    alesnie Posts: 90 Member
    Just started yesterday! Feel free to add me!
  • I started this last monday and am loving it! I had been hearing a lot about it on here but didnt have the money to buy it so I kept putting it off. One day while bowsing topics I came across one that had the a link to youtube video for each level. I am going to post them here and hope that it will encourage many more people to start this wonderful program.

    Level one:

    Level two:

    Level three:

    Good luck!
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    I started it yesterday too! So I'm on Day 2 Level 1.
    Wow I was in pain last night, I pushed so hard haha.
    Lets do this!
  • LetsDoTh1S
    LetsDoTh1S Posts: 41 Member
    I started a couple days ago, today was supposed to be L1D4, but man I was tired. I need motivation too! Add me :-)
  • xxpinkcandyxx
    xxpinkcandyxx Posts: 29 Member
    Im starting mine tonight. done it a few months ago and had good results:happy:

    I have just ordered six week six pack so going to start that soon too
  • kellyh0709
    kellyh0709 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, if you have facebook there is a really good support group for Jillians Michaels Shred ETC, very friendly and supportive.
    Lokk for UK Shred Support Group!! I gfo on tehre and it has kept me motivated, you can see peoples results and experiences on tehre too.
  • Im on day 5 of shred and I :heart: it :smile: :smile:

    quads are killing me but im sticking with it :laugh: :laugh:

    Had a sneaky look at level 2 the other day just to see what was around the corner

    think ill continue with my 10 days on level 1 :laugh: :laugh:

    Its a great DVD
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    Im on day 3 of my first time doing the shred. If youll have me I'll happily join you all. I could do with some motivation to do the full thing everyday.

    Lets do this!
  • deales
    deales Posts: 13
    I started this last week, but we've got my father-in-law staying with us, so trying to do this every day has been difficult as I only live in a small 2-bed house.

    This has led me to decide I shall start again when he's gone home (he lives in Thailand) but that will be late September/early October. So, if anyone would like to join me then.....that would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you xxx
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    I started 30DS yesterday...would love to support you and have more support...we can do this....

    I need to shred.....we need to shred....and we can do it
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I started Sunday, so count me in too. I probably won't do it daily, though.

    Anyone who wants to, feel free to add me, just add a note that you saw me on this thread. :)

    Happy Shredding, all!