

  • I eat a Questbar everyday, and love them! If you want a "desert" heat your oven to 400 degrees and put a questbar in it for 4 and half minutes. I bake my apple pie and chocolate cookie dough flavors all the time, and they're delicious! Quest is also coming out with a cookies and cream bar in the next couple of weeks :D
  • I stick to my healthy eating habits and use myfitnesspal to help me keep track of my portions. I only weight myself once a month. If you weight yourself too often you will get demotivated when you don't see those pounds dropping off. However, waiting a month you should defiantly see a decrease which is the best feeling!…
  • For those who say they don't eat breakfast at all, that is one of the worst things you can do. Breakfast gets your metabolism going for the day. I personally have a greek yogurt (chobani) and then bring a banana or some other fruit to work to have as a morning snack. Also if you workout in the mornings (like I do) I have a…
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