

  • I HATE excercise!!!!!!! I started in 2009.My dad was overweight, had parkinsons, diabetes and heart disease. His quality of life was bad in the last ten years of his life. I was at a family reunion and watched him in his wheelchair and no one was talking tohim because hislack of muscletone made him hard to understand. My…
  • I talk to myself as if I was trying to motivate my best friend. "come on you can do ten minutes; remember why you are doing this; get off your lazy butt and get busy, just one more day; just try it a month and if you still don't see any results then you can quit; come on get up; get movin!' Wahtever it takes. When i…
  • I take my lunch in an insulated lunch kit and put it in the fridge, with my NAME in bright big letters--it discourages thieves. And if you have a good breakroom you can jsut take the ingredients in the lunch kit and prepare it there---such as a salad. or sandwich that way you just throw it in, no preparation til you get to…
  • weight trainig for my arms 5 sets of 20 with 10 lb dumbells, 6 sets of 20 on the bow flex with 80 lbs 5 mins of rowing with the bowflex 5 mins 120 reps on the cardio glide at maximum resistance 25 mins of stationary bike not as much work out as previously when I had 25 mins insted of the bike but a leg/foot injury has me…
  • Don't give up, i excercised for a year without losing weight. Now i am losing. It sometimes takes a while to train your body. Keep on going!!! Never give up!!
  • I am 56 years old and I am female, 5'4" and over 300 lbs.i can tell you this. Whatever it takes stick with it! The older you get the harder it is. Just discipline yourself . If you fall off get right back on.