need workout motivation help

i joined the program about 2 months ago. I have been eating right,and rarely ever splurging. my problem is getting my *kitten* moving to the gym or even doing workout videos. I have the time and i yell at myself practically every night for not doing sumthing. i even have a plan set in motion, but cant seem to do it. does anyone have any tips or suggestions any and all are welcome. I can also use friends i will help you as well. :smile:


  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    My best advice is to find something you LOVE to do. I look forward to going to spin every single day and I get really bummed when something comes up and I have to skip a day. The gym can get so monotonous, so in my opinion, and if you have the finances, find a really good gym or studio so that you really look forward to going. My spin place is awesome - black lights, loud music, it's an hour of FUN and i burn somewhere between 600-800 calories doing it.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    Literally FORCE youself to go work out. It then becomes so much a part of your life that you just do it!!!! Remember how amazing you feel after the workout!!! Good luck.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Here are a few ideas;
    Plan it; make it part of your schedule. Tell yourself that you will dedicate the time between {insert time} to exercise. Find something you enjoy doing. If you are a big TV watcher, during the commercials do something {sit-ups; crunches; planks}. One day I was unmotivated and decided that during the commercials of a 30 sitcom I was going to walk the stairs, it adds up. You can make it into a game if you want {kinda like the drinking game} everytime you see a comercial for Diabeties=10 squats; Food=Plank; Car=run in place. You may also substitute a phrase.
    Take a walk around the block after each meal, a dog is a great work-out companion.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    You really have to make time for it, and stick to it. Also, you don't just schedule it, make it as important as a meeting with your boss, brushing your teeth or even a life or death situation.

    Think of how good it feels after a workout, and how once the workout is done, that is one less thing to worry about. You are adding more stress from procrastinating a workout to the point that you never do it than there needs to be. Stress = bad = increased cortisol = increased fat gain. So yes. Do your workouts.

    I don't know about you, but it is beautiful to sleep at night knowing you have completed everything there is to complete for the day. Don't you long for the restful peaceful sleep?

    If so, complete your workout for the day. Get is over and done with. So you can free your mind to think of unicorns and rainbows instead.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Come join us in the Dec exercise journal:

    There are a dozen +/- of us all posting daily exercise together. It is motivating to have pals who are also trying to workout. Anyone can join us.
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    For me, getting it done in the morning is so important to making sure I actually do it. Once I get home from work, I do not feel like working out and it's more likely for stuff to come up. That being said, it takes some effort and time to get into the morning routine as well. Like others said, find something you enjoy and treat it like a work meeting you can't skip. Once it is planned, it's on your schedule like any other obligation you can't flake out on. Sometimes I sleep in my gym clothes so I can just roll out of bed and go, or at least set them out, all ready to go for the morning. Also, set out my work clothes too and pack my lunch the night before. Anything to save me time in the morning and give me that few extra minutes of sleep before going to the gym and eliminating as many excuses in advance as possible. Once I forced myself to get up early (and going to bed early!) I realized how much better I felt all day long by getting my workout in. It makes me feel so positive and accomplished and, ultimately, more awake and energized than that extra thirty minutes or hour of sleep or whatever. It is a matter of forcing yourself initially but once you get in the habit, it will get so much easier! I'm sure you will figure out what works for you! Feel free to add me. I think support and accountability is so important to success on this journey.
  • Sometimes my friend will go to bed in her workout clothes, that way when she wakes up in the morning she is all ready to go! May not be the most appealing idea, but it's food for thought! Also, start by doing shorter 15 minute workouts. Before you know it, you will be done, and a little is better then nothing. After sometime you can build on this!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I bought a lot of those videos at one point too- the amazing thing is, I rarely would use them. I found I was not a workout at home kind of person. I needed a gym, or other venues to focus to work out. Home for me is rest- its a rare treat, and I won't work out there, no matter what equipment I buy.
    I found something I loved by accident, and to keep myself on track, I eventually took an instructor training so I could teach this class. 2 years later- I teach 5-8 a week, and it kicks my butt!! But there is never a choice- I have to go, otherwise it would be so easy some days not to go. Find something you love, and a workout buddy- someone who needs the support just as you do- so you can hold yourself accountable to your workouts is a great way to start. Once you start reaping the benefits of exercise, it gets much easier to go! :)
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    A work out buddy helps accountability. Or I just try to eliminate as many potential excuses as I can i realised that i can kid myself. Prep kit the night before is good. I also force myself to go. Sometimes I tell myself if once I get to the gym I don,t want to workout I can have coffee and go home. Funny but once I am there I always do the workout. Try to get into a routine of going it gets easier.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Turn off your mind and go. It is your mind that thinks up all the great excuses. Don't think, get in the car and go.
  • TwelveTwentyOne
    TwelveTwentyOne Posts: 111 Member
    I have a pretty set time that I like to workout - right after the big one goes to school and I get the little one down for a nap. I'm not a class kind of person and don't live anywhere near a gym, I workout with Jillian at home. I love the way I feel after a workout and that keeps me motivated to do it regularly.
  • Ythiel
    Ythiel Posts: 14
    Become a member of a gym. Tell the staff to keep tabs on your visits.

    Why? Social pressure will make you feel like you can't skip... after a while, you'll notice it'll become a habit. :) I'm sure you'll love working out!
  • For me joining the gym was the best thing to do. Once I paid the membership I felt I had to go. I have never missed a workout since that time. So my "To Do" list would be as follows.

    1) Join a gym
    2) Get a workout partner
    3) Believe in yourself
    4) Don't weigh in too often
    5) Work hard... then harder still
    6) Do it for your health
    7) Visualize yourself in 6 months
    8) Diet for health... improve your BP, your cholesterol, your blood sugar
    9) Forgive yourself when you fail
    10) Challange yourself while working out to do a bit better each time!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Turn off your mind and go. It is your mind that thinks up all the great excuses. Don't think, get in the car and go.

    If only it were that easy. First, need to decide where to go. Sounds like this has been a workout at home attempt.
    Not all can afford gym so have to assume there may be other factors.

    When I first started my weight loss journey I found a friend who lived close who also wanted to work out- so we'd meet 2-3X a week and go walking. And we'd really push ourselves. Eventually I rejoined a gym, and after started taking classes. Finding someone who not only will help hold accountable, but also work as a team is the way to go.

    I just started a 30lb weight loss challenge with my daughter and sister. 30lbs was significant for us all. It will take me to my 100 lb weight loss. Its what my daughter wants to lose total, and my sister is game for any challenge although like me has a little more to lose. Our reward when we all hit it- a mini vacation! :)
  • Hey everyone! Would love to have some work out motivators on my friends list :)

    Joining the gym this week (finally starting to have a handle on the eating, so it's time)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • I HATE excercise!!!!!!! I started in 2009.My dad was overweight, had parkinsons, diabetes and heart disease. His quality of life was bad in the last ten years of his life. I was at a family reunion and watched him in his wheelchair and no one was talking tohim because hislack of muscletone made him hard to understand. My doctor had already asked me did I want my best birthday to be behind me or ahead of me. I started small with my excercise so I would continue doing it. It was 3 minutes two times a week to start. I added a couple of minutes every month and finally I am up to 45 minutes 5 times a week. Start small, donn't expect too much, too soon