cel32402 Member


  • welcome! feel free to add me if you like. i'm currently trying to juggle getting healthy with a full-time student schedule and part-time job that is quickly becoming a full-time job :) I think you can definitely reach your goal by next May!
  • While I'm not in college anymore, I unfortunately experienced the same thing now that I'm in grad school, putting on a lot of weight. Feel free to add me for support :)
  • I like setting mini-goals. I'll try to set a little one when I feel like I'm hitting a plateau or a difficult spot to push me through. I like to use non-clothes items, like a massage or makeup or a bag. I think it makes you feel good to look at it and know why you bought it!
  • Congrats! That's always such a good feeling. And it's great that you now have some "new" items to add to your wardrobe.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm also hoping to get down around 150 :)
  • While I haven't done a half-marathon, I've done a few charity 5Ks with friends and we almost never stay together while running. It's more of a hanging out at the start and meeting up again at the finish. I was never offended running on my own (usually I was the slow one!) It's hard to find people who will always be able to…
  • Hi there, welcome! I'm not exactly in the same position as you (no kids!), but I'm 27 and my goal is to reach May in better shape as well. It's my school graduation and I want to be in pre-school shape. Also, I just realized my 10 year high school reunion is around then. All of my friends are going and I want to go feeling…
  • I hope to lose 4 pounds by Christmas, which will put me at my first goal of losing 10% of my starting weight :)
  • Currently at 174, hoping to get down to 145. Been stuck at 174 for a bit, but I let my exercise slide a bit and Thanksgiving didn't help either! Good luck to you!