Do you reward yourself for hitting mini-goals?

Hey all! Just wondering: Do you all reward yourselves when you hit a mini-goal? If so, how?

I'm working towards new jeans myself! As I was putting on my holiday weight, I noticed my jeans were getting tighter and after a year or so worn out... but I refused to buy new ones for fear of going up a size and then subtly gaining... So, now my jeans keep wearing out (I'm down two pairs already due to holes!) So I can't wait to hit my -10lb loss for a new pair of jeans from the outlet!

What are you looking forward to?


  • i have mini rewards for every 10 lbs i lose. The first 10 was $10 of new makeup, next is kenra hair gloss, then I think jeans, and I can't remember the rest :) I love hitting those goals though!
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    Personally I don't have any mini goals. For me I find noticing the little ways my body is changing is great motivation, also as I go down remembering, "I was this weight before kids", "I was this weight in high schoool" are very rewarding.

    I do have a BIG reward for when I reach goal. A tummy tuck, if needed. I carry my weight around my waist, I've NEVER had a flat tummy and I've always been very envious of those that have great looking waists. I figure if I worked this hard to get down to a good weight and have lose skin I will get my pretty flat tummy one way or another. I just didn't want to jump in and do it without losing the weight, I think those bigger women that get tummy tucks look ridiculous. I'm getting so close..... I can't wait.
  • mnsnowflake
    mnsnowflake Posts: 18 Member
    Mini goals are an awesome way to keep you on track.. and for me they are great little "carrots" for a job well done - something to work for. New jeans are great !! I like pampering myself with new hair - either cut or color... maincure... and for a bigger goal a new tattoo in a place that I wouldnt put it when I was bigger :) Good luck on your journey !!!
  • ieishab
    ieishab Posts: 34 Member
    I love mini goals!!!! My next 10lb weight loss will be contact lenses!
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  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I told myself I would but I always forget to actually do it. I'm usually so happy about hitting the goal it's enough of a carrot for me.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I have alot of mini-goals. hitting the 250 lbs mark is a semi-goal. Fitting into my computer chair is a mini-goal. Losing 5 lbs/10 lbs and so on.

    Yes, I always reward myself for it. I would go crazy if I didnt. Sometimes its monetary, sometimes its just fun times and sometimes its food related. I like to mix it up :)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    my reward is transforming my body and becoming stronger and healthier. Nothing is better than that!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    yes, my 1st goal, was to get below 215, so my reward was ice cream, I know its bad to reward with food :-/. now that I'm 213, my current goal is to get down to 200, When I do, my reward will be haircut and color. Then after that, I'm not sure yet? I've only lost 1 pant size so far but its a start. My 18's are loose and my 16's fit again! :)
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    i don't have mini goals this time, but another time when I was working on losing weight, I had 15 pound mini goals and rewards like getting my hair cut, new makeup, new clothes, things like that. The rewards started at around $10, but I did increase the amount the more I lost. Bigger reward for bigger weight loss, even though they were 15 pound mini goals.

    It was nice because if I really wanted something, I would work harder to lose the weight.
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    I give myself trips away for bigger mini goals, farther away the more important I view the loss. For one goal I got new glasses :) next mini goal is 200g's away and it is a trip to London. I divided my weight loss of 70lbs into 8 mini goals and now I'm almost at my 5th Goal!!! Maybe tomorrow I'll be booking my next reward! :D
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    gonna be a new tattoo
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I give myself trips away for bigger mini goals, farther away the more important I view the loss. For one goal I got new glasses :) next mini goal is 200g's away and it is a trip to London. I divided my weight loss of 70lbs into 8 mini goals and now I'm almost at my 5th Goal!!! Maybe tomorrow I'll be booking my next reward! :D

    Wow! London! That'll be fun--I was there once for a few days and it was a blast even in the freezing cold. Have fun!

    PS- I'm loving hearing everyone's answers! You all are right though that the best reward is definitely feeling good and looking great! Little carrots help though! :)
  • highlordb
    highlordb Posts: 21 Member
    I like to reward myself with a little something that i might be interested in, like new cloths or computer equipment. I do have 1 major goal and that is if i lose 125lbs (and bring myself down to 200lbs) i plan to purchase a harley!
  • cel32402
    cel32402 Posts: 12 Member
    I like setting mini-goals. I'll try to set a little one when I feel like I'm hitting a plateau or a difficult spot to push me through. I like to use non-clothes items, like a massage or makeup or a bag. I think it makes you feel good to look at it and know why you bought it!