

  • I actually just wrote about my experiences that day for our first essay in my English Comp 2 class...it was over 3 pages, too much to post here so this is part of it: The airlines refused to allow me to bring my wedding gown onto the plane as a carry-on, and I refused to check it. So, the decision was made that my fiance…
  • Why not just post it on FaceBook?!?! Sorry, a lil sarcastic there! But, then again, that IS how most people tell everyone their business these days...I am surprised that person didn't just wait for the kids to tell their parent that the other was engaged...frankly, I'm not sure if that is really something that you should…
  • My diary is open... I have had some days that I ate junk, but still stayed within my 1600 calories, and other days where I ate mostly good, clean food...either way, I do work out 3-4 times a week & I am a college student, so I do a bit of walking everyday. I just started MFP 3 weeks ago & feel good about my progress. Add…
  • I agree...would love to travel this road with a few more people - who are actually committed...
  • I'm pretty experienced in this whole "losing weight" thing. Been up & down with pregnancies, but eventually take it off everytime...I should have probably eaten healthier each time I was pregnant instead of having to do it later...but that's no fun! LOL The BEST TIPS I can give you is what I've learned over the years: *…
  • Its very har to know what may be going wrong since we cannot see your food/exercise diary. But, if I had to guees, I'd say you might want to check your sodium intake. That tends to be a big issue. Most people on here are not tracking that, and they should! Also, I don't think I'd advise you to stop exercising, as…
  • YES!!! add Sodium to the list of things to keep track of on here - sodium is a BIG issue with alot of people (myself included)
  • No.... you should eat whatever it is that MFP is telling you to. As far as your exercise goes, you can eat those calories too, or not eat them. Check what your settings are on MFP...is it to maintan, lose 1 lb a week, or 2 lbs? Whatever you have picked, MFP has adjusted your caloric intake to suit. Good Luck!
  • P.S. I have found it here & there, but they almost always have it at CVS (I know...random place, but I've found it ther quite a few times & they do their fragrances buy 1 get one 50% off all the time.
  • I see you said you're usually a musk type girl but before you give up on musks, have you ever tried Musk by Alyssa Ashley/ It's a little old school, but its still my personal fave. I have gotten many other fragrances over the years, but I have been using that one since the mid 90s. The BEST part is that it doesn't cost too…
  • I have 2: I save a bunch of calories by using salsa instead of veggie dip/salad dressing with fre4sh veggies or salad But my "healthy weakness" has got to be those Baked Veggie Straws (they also make them in veggie chips, but I prefer the straws) Has anyone else heard of these? I love them! (and so does my 1 year old). I…
  • 100 calories & a few extra carbs is not gonna hurt your weight-loss...as long as it doesn't become habit! What WILL hurt your weight-loss is guilt! So don't feel bad about it this time....guilt is the worst thing that will sabatoge this goal you have set. You feel guilty over something small like this and that guilt makes…
  • Not sure it it would work in this recipe, but I have had a "mock applesauce" made out of pears...it'd be worth a try.
  • ALso, remember that MFP has ALREADY reduced your TDEE...so don't reduce it any more than what it says on here. They've done the work for you, as far as the math goes, you just have to follow it.I realized this a few days after siging up. My BMR is like 2300, but they tell me to eat 1600 to lose. And don't forget what I…
  • It happens sometimes....been through this, myself, quite a few times. It could just be a slight plateau and it will surprise you in the next week or so and drop down. But, if not...you could be taking in a little too much sodium & that will make you retain alot of water. So, the 1st thing I would suggest is to add "sodium"…
  • Gotta tell myself that NUMEROUS times a week!
  • If you BITE it...WRITE it! This is something a WW leader used to tell us at the end of every meeting - I know we record our food differently now, so it should be "type it", but it it doesn't sound quite as good as the original way...
  • bump....bump....bump - - sounds yummy!
  • Because I am SICK & TIRED of being SICK & TIRED! Plus, I want to be a better, healthier me...and set a good healthy example for my 2 little girls.
  • Don't focus on the scale....focus on your size and where you feel comfortable. My hubby lifts weights and believe me, he has the same issue. It's all psycological - society says you should weigh less, but on the other hand, remember that a pound of muscle is 1/4 the size of a pound of fat...so if you are at a decent…
  • Thanks for asking....I have been curious about it too. Can't wait to see what everyone says about it. I feel like it's a little pricey, but if its worth it, I'm willing to spend a lil $$$
  • Right?!?! Face it....any "_______ only" diet is crappy & no good - - believe me, I've tried them all!
  • Thanks so much for this! I am going to make a few of those tomorrow so I have my breakfasts already prepared this week... Trying to do as much "prep" as possible on Sunday afternoon so I don't have too many excuses for not eating right once the hustle & bustle of the week begins.
  • Yep!! I think so! That's how mine always looked...and I even used Dollar Store pregnancy tests at first. After 2 of the "cheap" tests looked like yours, I waited 3 more days and took a more expensive test (EPT) and it WAS positive all 3 times (I have 2 little girls, but sadly lost 1 baby). So, my advice would be to wait…
  • Even just having a piece of fruit and some milk is better than nothing...your body needs to know when to start "burning" & if you don't give it anything to "burn" when you start your day, it'll tend to "hold on" to the calories/fat you give it a few hours later at lunch time...so, yes, technically you really SHOULD eat…
  • Read what it says on your profile pic....then read it again! Just know that obviously you are not alone & we all have the same struggles. So what?!?! So, you ate a few chocolate chip cookies or had a peice of birthday cake or went out with coworkers to a lunch buffet... Do NOT get down on yourself for "messing up" it's…
  • This is AWESOME!!!! I just started and I have 100+ to lose, myself....so Thanks for the inspiration!
  • First of all, let me tell you that I have been feeding ground turkey to my family for a Looooooong time (started because of health reasons & continued because of cost). Secondly, be CAREFUL!!! Some of those pkgs of ground turkey have just as much, if not MORE, fat than the ground beef! READ YOUR LABELS! Anyhow, now I can…