deauxgirl2 Member


  • Vivoactive music was a christmas gift. Still trying to remember to log activities. I mainly walk and do workout videos on youtube (big fan of the Fitness Blender programs).
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 4/21: 158.2 4/28: 157.8 5/05: 157 5/12: 156 5/19: 156 5/26: 154.8 6/03: 154.4
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 4/21: 158.2 4/28: 157.8 5/05: 157 5/12: 156 5/19: 156 5/26: 154.8 Getting there slowly. I said by Memorial Day I wanted to be 154-155 and I'm there. My next short…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 4/21: 158.2 4/28: 157.8 5/05: 157 5/12: 156 5/19: 156 I forgot to check-in this past Saturday. I really want to lose one more pound by Memorial Day. I celebrated my…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 4/21: 158.2 4/28: 157.8 5/05: 157 5/12: 156 Until next week...
  • @DananaNanas Do you strength train? Perhaps you are gaining lean muscle? Or if you don't strength train I think you should add it in 2-3 days a week. Before I had kids I was always around 135 lbs and whenever I wanted to lose the last 10 pounds I always added weights and not just run or play soccer. Also, sometimes my body…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 4/21: 158.2 4/28: 157.8 5/05: 157 Last two weeks I have been great about not going over 1200 cal + workout cal. I continue to lose 0.8 lb per week I will make my…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 4/21: 158.2 4/28: 157.8 13 pounds lighter and my husband finally noticed I lost weight. Took long enough. :P Last week I bought new jeans so I am officially one size…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 4/21: 158.2 Still moving in the right direction. I would like to be at 157.5 by the end of the month and then I would only need 3.5 lbs for May in order to be 154 by…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 4/14: 159 Again, my biggest weakness is night time cravings for sweets. I continue to workout regularly. @DananaNanas Having goals, even if they are aggressive goals, are good…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 4/07: 158.8 It seems like I lose 2 pounds and stay the same weight for 2-3 weeks. So I'll probably be around 159 for a while, bye Yay for being in the 150s. @DananaNanas Great news about…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 3/31: 161.2 Still going strong with the Fitness blender workout's. Always just trying to improve my eating habits. And that dessert table sound yummy....cookie dough is making me drool :)
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 3/24: 161 I still need to work on snacking on junk food at night. The majority of days I stay at 1200 calories + workout calories, but a few nights a week I eat enough cookies that I ruin everything. I am…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 3/17: 163 I went up, but feeling ok because I still see progress. I think I am doing a fair amount of strength training so this is probably making me lose weight slowly, but in the long run I think it will be better.…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 3/10: 162.2 No change this week, but I consider that a success with the amount of alcohol I drank and cake I ate. Also, I'm another year older. I did have a goal of being 160 by my birthday, but I am still happy with my progress.…
  • 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 3/03: 162.5 @DananaNanas I live in Québec, Montréal so our shelves are not as diverse as US or the other provinces in Canada. Everything here as to be in French and most companies don't want to repackage just for a small group :( But I did…
  • Still here. Just forgot to check in last Saturday. 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 2/23 163.5 Mid week I decided to lower my carbs by not eating sandwiches for lunch and toast in the morning. I also started meal planning. It seemed like I waited to the last minute to cook something and…
  • I'm going to try and start posting weekly. I started watching my eating in January. 1/09: 171 1/16: 166.8 1/26: 166.2 2/02: 165.8 2/09: 164.5 2/17: 164.5 I never had a food scale and I'm scared to see how much my estimating is off. @aleikita Do you know on average how many calories you were over estimating per day?
  • Hi everyone, I'm joining in a bit late, but maybe y'all are still around. I'm a little under 5'4, but I always round up to make me feel taller :) I started trying to lose weight a month ago (SW 171) and my CW is 164.5. I want to be around 140lbs. About 12 lbs stuck on me after child I had (I have three girls). I workout…
  • Same boat as you except a bit older. Stay at mom of 3 trying to lose weight. I am currently on week 2 of Fitness blender FB 8 week program. I also am suppose to limit my calories to 1200, but have been consuming 1300-1500 calories. Good luck!