I use the Mio link with great success. Not much different than my chest strap. The key with the wrist straps is that you need to make them tight enough that the light does not leak in and tweak the readings. Good Luck.
Unreal! you look amazing. Keep up the great work.
Very cool! Love the story, I'm sure it resonates with many who are on a similar journey. You got this on lock now. It's a major victory.
You look awesome! So many great and healthy accomplishments, keep it up.
Thanks for sharing! Impressive transformation.
That is awesome! Keep with it and it will just get better. C25K is great. That's what got me running/jogging.
You look awesome! Quitting Diet Soda had that much of an impact?
Awesome advice, thank you! I'm a big fan of shirataki noodles. Not sure if you have one by you, but Curry House allows you to substitute traditional pasta dishes with shirataki noodles. Very cool!
That is so awesome! Great job on quitting, I love how you turned it into such a positive experience. Total polar opposite I started with nicotine gum at first, but it may have or may not have helped. The only real way to quit is through pure force of will. Put them down and NEVER pick them up again. To this day, a couple…
I was doing 3mph walk and 5mph jog up until week 4 day 2. Now I have to drop it down to 4.5-4.8 to get thru the workout. Might need to go lower to keep my heart rate in the right training zone. No big deal, the pace will get better over time. Dropping 80 more pounds should help :)