nndiaz Member


  • My suggestion would be to get a babysitter for the evening and take her out. Theatre, movies, concert, whatever she would really enjoy but would never do for herself. A day off or a shopping trip with you on her arm would be nice too. My favorite gift from my husband was a blouse he gave me one year. It was horrendous but…
  • Please add me. I'm in the same situation. Got back and only have one friend to motivate me :( She's really go though! :)
  • Please add me, I need a lot of help. I have a few great supporters here but I need more. I've slacked and haven't logged in in a while so I need a lot of help!
  • It's so great to see all the success stories! Congrats to you all! I on the other hand am left in the corner with the dunce hat on. I am weighing in at 214 today! That's a gain! Hopefully I can get back on track this week, eat right, move more and log in!
  • Booo! I gained 3lbs!! Weight as of today - 213 lbs!! I knew that waffle was too good to be true. But I've also been slacking and not moving as I should be and this weekend I ate like there was no tomorrow! No one to blame but myself! Got get a good kick in the behind and get back on track!
  • I know, I'm late but I use the scale at work and I've been off for the last two days. Today's weigh in is at 210.2. :)
  • Well, didn't lose (does .8 ozs count?) but I'm happy because I thought for sure I'd gain some! I have no one to blame but myself. I didn't work out as much as I should have and I indulged on a few things. Gotta get back in the mind set and focus on the goal! 212.0
  • Today's weight - 212.8 lbs
  • Today's weight is 215.2. I'm happy with the small loss considering I was ill and didn't work out for a few days and indulged a few days. BUT this week I'm back on track!
  • I know I weighed in yesterday, but it was wrong, in my favor! :) I'm officially 216.4lbs! Thanks!
  • Got two different readings so I'm gonna go with the higher one just to be sure. 220lbs! Thanks!
  • It'll be a long weekend for me as Monday is labor day. The scale I use at work has disappeared so I guess ill have to find one as I do not own one. I also am waiting a visit so I don't know if all the work I've been doing will show up. I was able to plan well that I enjoyed a b'day dinner that included homemade fried…
  • If there's a better way to report my weigh in pls let me know. Saying that, there isn't anything to report! No weight loss this week. Boo! We'll try again next Monday. :)
  • hello there! I'd love to be added! I just joined mfp this month and I'd like to lose 21lbs by Christmas. My start weight is 221 so hopefully I can reach my first goal of 200lbs. I need all the help I can get! My weigh in day is Monday. Thanks!
  • SW: (Starting weight) 228 CW: (Current weight) 228 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 150 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 8/6 - start date: 228 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/31 Total weight lost: 0 so far I'd like to be able to tie my shoes without sweating! :(
  • :( I don't know how to add people. But when I do, I'll be ready with your tips!